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TariC Jungler








Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Masteries

3. Runes

4. Skills


6. Which Item is viable and why?

7. Jungling

8. Mid Game

9. Late Game





So why should Taric Jungle instead of babysitting the bot lane? Because his ganks are aesome. Most Junglers only have slow and very few have a snare but Taric has a stun which is also very long. Ganking is what Jungle Taric is best. He will almost land every gank successfull(if enemy is smart they will play savely and ward brushes around the lane so it may be harder) and if not a Taric gank will easily cost a Flash of the enemy or forces them to go back and makes your teammate win the lane.



-easy to gank with

-pressure to lanes because of the stun

-gives auras (armor aura from shatter and ad/ap aura from ultimate)

-has a heal

-aoe damage helps to clear Jungle fast(early game later on shatter deals almost no damage)

-good in Teamfights with aura, stun and heal

-super tanky



-deals not to much damage(compared to other Junglers like Lee Sin or Gankplank)

-gets weaker the longer the game goes on

-your allies need to pick champions with high damage output


Additions coming soon so I make this an good guide and it get aproved.

-explain every Item why it is good (done)

-become real good with Jungle Taric(means that I will be like playing him a lot in future so I can add Information that are 100% correct and not just theretical)

-just become more detailed in every chaptor that isn't very detailed(done in my opinion)

-add more chapters if I can think about good chapters (if you have an Idea what topic is missing tell me!)(don't have any idea for other chapters so I say done)






*Offense (0)

*Defense (21)

*Utility (9)


















p.png Passive: Gemcraft



Taric loves to socket magical gems into all of his weapons, resulting in his melee attacks replenishing his mana for 7.5% of damage dealt.



This is why I prefer attack speed over armor pen marks and Witts End. I mean you like always hitting stuff in the Jungle so you get as much out of this passive if you get attack sppeed.


q.png Q: Imbue


Taric brings forth earthen energy to heal a nearby ally and himself for 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+90% of ability power). If Taric heals only himself, the heal will be 40% more effective. Melee attacks on enemies decrease this spell's cooldown by 2 seconds per hit.


Cooldown 20 / 19 / 18 / 17 / 16seconds

Cost 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130mana

Range 625



After the nerf it is still realy good. Your healing yourself realy good and if your in lane just heal the laner after an gank if it is needed.


w.png W: Shatter


Passive: Taric's gains 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 bonus armor and provides an aura that increases the armor of himself and nearby allies by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30.


Active: Taric deals 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and decreases their armor by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 for 4 seconds. The aura portion of his passive is not in effect during the cooldown.


Cooldown 16seconds

Cost 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90mana

Range 400



Less damage but also less cooldown it is still realy good. I would shatter as soon as possible after stun becaues of the armor shred.


e.png E: Dazzle


aric fires a sphere of prismatic light at an enemy, dealing 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 - 80 / 160 / 240 / 320 / 400 (+100% of ability power) magic damage (lower damage the further the target is), and stunning them for 1 - 2 seconds (higher stun the further the target is).


Cooldown 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10seconds

Cost 95mana

Range 650



This gives pressure to all lanes and if you gank it's mostly succesfull (besides enemy champion that like Morgana or Gragas which are realy hard to gank). Stun is just awesome and best for ganking. In teamfights also very usefull!


r.png R: Radiance


Toggle: Taric emits brilliant light, healing himself for 30 / 40 / 50 (+20% of ability power) a second and increasing his and nearby allies' attack damage by 30 / 60 / 90 (half effect for nearby allied champions). The cost to sustain Radiance increases by 4 / 7 / 10 each second.


Cooldown 20seconds

Cost 20mana

Range 550



Now that Taric has only 60 seconds cd on his ultimate you can use it for everything. Pushing a tower, ganking, killing dragon/Nashor(if no teambattle is near then you wanna save it for that), for teamfights, or might even for farming if you are like "Wow there is an huge wave of minions and no one is near but i wanna go back! Farm it quickly and then go back. By the time something you are back to do something you will probably have it ready. But I don't think you should use it for farming that often. Rather give the farm to your carry.









                                                          -Which Item is viable and why?-


Here I explain which Item is viable and when you might want to go for other Items then you usually do.


wriggles-lantern.png It gives armor, more damage, life steal, 500 dmg proc on minions/monsters and an free ward. What do you want more?


boots-of-mobility.pngmercurys-treads.pngninja-tabi.png are the boots that are viable. It depends on enemy team which one you want. Heavy CC or heavy magic damage you pickmercurys-treads.png and if not you go for ninja-tabi.png . boots-of-mobility.png are not that good in my opinion but they make you fast and that is good for running around between the lanes.



heart-of-gold.pngphilosophers-stone.png  if you want gold items. I would rather buy 1 (players preference again) and I likeheart-of-gold.png more because it makes you tanky.philosophers-stone.png s also good but I think the HP regeneration isn't needed at all and MP regeneration is nice but not worth buying it.


wits-end.png I realy like this Item on Taric. You hit faster so your heal has less CD. It is overall an realy good Item and is espiacially good if you go formadreds-bloodrazor.png



madreds-bloodrazor.png If you go for this one and don't build wriggles (I would never build both on Taric because you rather need aura/tank Items than damage) then you won't be less sustainable in the Jungle (your heal is enough) and this one is is you want more damage on the enemy team. If you rather focus on Baron/dragon go forwriggles-lantern.png You can also just buy this one after you are full equiped but have 4k gold left then sell wriggles and buy this one for more damage but that will rarely happan.


starks-fervor.png If you have ad bruise top lane, ad carry bot lane then you want this Item. Build this if you are tanky enough and think your team needs more damage. If you play with AP top lane then you should'nt buy this one.


guardian-angel.png Revives you after battle and gives bonus armor and Magic resistance. Should be clear that this one is good.


shurelyas-reverie.png Since you have armor bonus fromw.png you rather want to stack HP or MR. Eventhough this Item only gives you HP the movementspeed bonus is super awesome. If you always forgett about active Items start to play every (or more) game with one and try to remind yourself that you have that item!


aegis-of-the-legion.png This one is like the best thing for Taric Jungle. You already have armor aura and then you get an Armor/MR/damage aura for your teammates. If you have bought aegis-of-the-legion.png  then you are tanky enough for early/mid game and you start to build some damage Items.


frozen-mallet.png You get massive HP and a slow on your auto attacks. Really good!


trinity-force.png If you need more damage I recommend this one over thornmail.png It's good if enemy ad is raping you but frozen-heart.png  is better.


spirit-visage.png Gives Healt/MR. That is what you need and your q.png heals yourself also if you target an teammate so this will help you so much. If you get focussed in Teamfights just heal yourself and it will be so much.


randuins-omen.png You don't need the armor on it so much because you already have so much armor but the aoe slow is insanly good. If you need armor you can get this one over frozen-heart.png but it isn't better it's situational.


frozen-heart.png So much armor and mana plus it gives the enemy less attack speed. Super good!


force-of-nature.png If you realy get bursted down.


deathfire-grasp.png o this one is kind of special. I don't think you will get it to often but there are situation where you might say this is the right thing.


It's super late game and you enemy has Cho Gath who is destroying yuor team. You want to get madreds-bloodrazor.png but it still takes long to kill him. Then and only then I would use this Item on Taric.


banshees-veil.png  I get this one over force-of-nature.png because it gives you mana and HP and and super important spell block. quicksilver-sash.png is also good but I won't list it in this list because I think banshees-veil.png is better most of the time. I think this and spirit-visage.png are best MR items on Taric.


atmas-impaler.png You have massive HP then you can do this. It's good withfrozen-mallet.png  Normaly I don't get that much damage on Taric because the auras are better. If you wanna do damage on your own you can buy this.


chalice-of-harmony.png : It's an realy good item but I think this one is more for laning against ap and since you are not laning it's not that good. Don't get me wrong it is an realy good Item but I think other Items are better on Taric.




Your Jungle route is the normal Golem, Wolfs, Wraiths, Lizard and small Golems.

Not much to say because then you will gank if succesfull buyboots-of-speed.png or madreds-razors.png r even both and continue. If your gank wasn't succesfull just buy  boots-of-speed.png and long-sword.png






If you gank the bot lane and gank succesfull that the enemy's retreat or are dead then you should tell your bot lane to help you with dragon. But be carefull in early game then Dragon does quite some damage and if you are low on HP it wouldn't be the smartest thing to die on Dragon.

You could also just stay and push/destroy the tower if it is on low HP or your own tower is already destroyed so you catch up with the enemy team. Also if you have huge minion wave I would rather push than dragon. For dragon you may should even tell your mid and if your top is running teleport place a ward so he can come if needed.


You could actually level up your e.png and go for an early gank right after golem. Gives you some nice gold and exp. advantage over the enemy Jungle and probably first blood. Would recommend this if the lange are good targets to gank and squishy. Mostlikely it will be the mid lane.


One other route that is possible to do is starting at wraiths(smite the blue one) with regrowth-pendant.pnghealth-potion.png or ruby-crystal.png hen going to wolves and after that to golems. You will be finished at (don't have the exact number but i will add it later) around 3 mins and then you can gank with level 3. When you go back you buy your early philosophers-stone.png or heart-of-gold.png depending on which you started. This is actually realy strong because you will gank earlier than expected and get early GP5 which makes you way more rich.


                                                          -Mid Game-


You should be ganking as much as possible if there are still people on their lanes. If not then just run around with your team give Buffs to who ever needs them try to kill dragon and if you see a good chance(are far ahead and enemy is totaly weak/not near baron) you could try baron. Baron could be risky though because he does quite some damage.

Also if you think your enemy is able to kill baron faster then you can kill dragon and run to them then don't kill dragon if they have vision on you. Getting an oracle would be smart if you don't have one(of course if you don't die often).


                                                            -Late Game-




Stick with your team! Very Important you are not a split pusher you are important for your team. If nothing to do or you just don't know what to do then just clear jungle and get buffs. Buffs are realy strong don't forget them.

Red buff should be given to ad carry or the top laner and blue buff to the ap carry.(you probably already know that but just if someone doesn't know)


Gredits :Me and League of Legends photos ...and i Already post this solomid Forum :) have a niCe day and good Jungle and Ganging ...:)

  • Maxtor changed the title to TariC Jungle ....:)

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