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Some Attention Here [Questions]


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First of all, I open this topic to help my self and any other member here who don't know about this.


The Main subject of this topic is the Flow, and the cutted effects..


Flow: I have seen many kinds of flows and I am considering how can create them? I have created some flows but I can't think when I design, what kind of flow should I use. First, behind the render, and second up to the render. If anyone have any idea about: How can built a nice render with effects up , im all ears. (Greek Expression).


Cutted Effects: I have seen many effects but, they have a backround from behind that is annoying for a designer. If you put one ok , but if you put another you miss the previous. So, you need to cut the 2 images to have the effects in one image. That's is my main problem in PS. I don't know how to cut. Basically, I can't understand how to cut.


So, I ask for your attention in these two serius facts. If any of you want to say something, go ahead.

- Observer

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Well, 6-7 months ago i was designing signatures without knowing what flow is. Although everyone was commenting 'great flow' and stuff, for me it was made subconciously. So, a simple way for you to succeed flow is to use effects and smudge them to the direction you want, either way ready stocks or brushes should do the trick.

Just like a sig i made some time ago:



As about the 'cut effects' i don't really know what u're talking about. If by any chance you mean the stocks you use are provided with black background, etc you just place it then delete the background with the 'Magic Eraser Tool'. If some edges seem to be kinda sharpened or whatever you can use the blur tool, or zoom an erase them with ur eraser(troublesome). Afterwards if you wanna copy that effect again, you just have to copy the previous layer you made without bg.


Edit: If you didn't understand a thing of what i'm talking about, pm me to explain further.


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That's why I opened this topic to explain me.

First of all, in flow how I can do something like this? I mean with what kind of brushes..?

Second, in cutted effects, yes I don't know how to erase the black backround.. How delete it?

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That's why I opened this topic to explain me.

First of all, in flow how I can do something like this? I mean with what kind of brushes..?

Second, in cutted effects, yes I don't know how to erase the black backround.. How delete it?

Well, brushes like those 'arrows' i used on the previous sig i replied, stars coming from the right upper corner to left lower corner and such stuff.


As about 'how to delete the black bg' like i said, i use the 'Magic Eraser Tool' though sometimes stocks are black as well as result to delete both bg and stock. In that case you should use some selection tool(like rectangle, magic wand, etc) and process carefully.

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Well, brushes like those 'arrows' i used on the previous sig i replied, stars coming from the right upper corner to left lower corner and such stuff.


As about 'how to delete the black bg' like i said, i use the 'Magic Eraser Tool' though sometimes stocks are black as well as result to delete both bg and stock. In that case you should use some selection tool(like rectangle, magic wand, etc) and process carefully.


I did it with the cutted effects. But, its not a perfect result. It seems like a pieces.

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I did it with the cutted effects. But, its not a perfect result. It seems like a pieces.

It's not an easy task, even pro's have some difficulties on that part. Keep trying till u get a better result.
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You can use the pen tool aswell.Then if u see that you didn't make it perfect hold control and click the layer.After go to select,modify, and check the selection u need at 2 radius.

Then delete the old layer and keep the new.

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You can use the pen tool aswell.Then if u see that you didn't make it perfect hold control and click the layer.After go to select,modify, and check the selection u need at 2 radius.

Then delete the old layer and keep the new.


I've seen guide about pen tool and cut a image. That way is the most difficult for me. Better, with magic eraser tool..

Btw, I don't know what to look for in net for improving my skills. I'm doing good tags sometimes, but not all the times..

Any ideas what to download for move on for that simple style?

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Dude you just need imagination


Well, maybe I don't have imagination lol ? :/

The fact is how the effects agreed together.

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Flow is not that hard to achieve.

I really don't put any effort on it. You just have to make everything pointing at your focal.

I mean, the focal must be brighter and more sharpened than the background and of course, it should attract your eye's attention in first place.

However, if you really want to work on the flow, then you have to come up with things like the brushes voqus mentioned or something else that would improve the space that surrounds your focal point.


About the effects, you just have to change the mode to lighten/color dodge/screen/linear dodge and so on :D

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