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hi i have just built a L2j server it was not so hard but it is very limited with the things that i can do with it so i have some Q's:

1. whats the differences bitween the 2 versions?(L2Off vs L2J)

2. what i need to know to run a good server(wich language or maybe something else?)

3. with wich version i can do more custom stuff/modifications?

4. wich tips/links u guys can give me so i will lern what to do?


and sorry for my poor english but thank u all the helpers.

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hi i have just built a L2j server it was not so hard but it is very limited with the things that i can do with it so i have some Q's:

1. whats the differences bitween the 2 versions?(L2Off vs L2J)


L2Off is based on NCsoft's OFFICIAL server files and are far more stable than any L2j based system will ever be. L2OFF system are more complete and functional than java based packs. Downside is sever updates/fixes are hard to come by and generally you ned to buy them from well known extender coders.


L2j is loaded with bugs, incomplete and pretty far from what official game mechanics should be. Many things, like skills, are guessed since it is difficult to figure out the exact formulas. Upside is updates/fixes are easily obtained since most L2j based packs are open source; best pack are generally private because they have dedicated teams of developers (L2DC, Asterios, etc).


2. what i need to know to run a good server(wich language or maybe something else?)


Depends on which type you want to go with. L2OFF is a lot harder to set up and figure out than L2j, plus L2OFF servers require better hardware and for C4 and higher you need an x64 based Windows Server OS with Microsoft SQL Server.


You don't really need to know any language for either L2OFF or L2j but L2j systems are easier to setup and do not require hard core based hardware to run; and you can go either Windows or Linux (preferred for L2j) with MySQL but x64 based OS's are better since they allow you to have more RAM (x86 OS's are limited to 3GB and 1.5M of JVM).


There are guides for both systems if you just search the fourms.


3. with wich version i can do more custom stuff/modifications?


L2j by far, L2OFF is tricker since most modifications need ai.obj changes and for that you need to know how to decompile/compile in NASC as well as know how to work with the script files.


4. wich tips/links u guys can give me so i will lern what to do?


Research, read and search. There are many websites that offer step by step instructions on how to get a server up and running. If you have never worked with an L2 server before I strongly recommend L2j since it is easier and a lot more flexable than L2OFF for beginners.


and sorry for my poor english but thank u all the helpers.

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if you just want to plug and play without needing any knowledge, research, or time invested, use l2j and save all the users of this section the wasted time of reading your 50 upcoming help threads.

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