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How To Escape From Elo Hell (Low Elo)!!

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Tips To Get Out Of Elo Hell



Play Ranked Games Often:



The first step to escaping Elo Hell is to play ranked games as often as possible, this serves two key purposes.


The first purpose is that you slowly get better at League of Legends and get vital practice at its key game mechanics. The second and quite possibly the most important reason to play many ranked games is variance.


By playing a large number of ranked games you increase your overall sample size of games, allowing you to reduce the impact that variance plays on your Elo rating. Everybody will go through losing streaks and games with feeders and leavers, but mathematically over time if you are a better player and deserve a higher Elo you will achieve it over time.       


Know Your Mechanics:



Some simple adjustments to your own game can also go along way to escaping low Elo. By making sure you've got all the basic mechanics of League of Legends under your belt you can ensure that your gameplay is up to scratch.


[shadow=red,left]Last-hitting[/shadow]: One of the most basic game mechanics, learning how to last hit a large majority of minions, while harassing your lane opponent takes practice. If you can constantly out farm your direct lane opponent it is a great start to winning the game.


[shadow=red,left]Positioning[/shadow]: Your positioning is always important to consider, especially in a team fight scenario. If you are playing the AD carry and are unable to position yourself safely so that you don't die at the start of the fight your team will lack significant damage output. Similarly if you are playing an AP champion and do not position yourself correctly to burst down the enemies priority targets your team may lose the team fight.


[shadow=red,left]Map Awareness[/shadow]: Another simple but vital League of Legends game mechanic. You should always be aware of the positions of other champions on the map (both allies and enemies). The most obvious example of map awareness is noticing that there are no enemy champions on the mini-map, they may be doing Dragon or Baron Nashor. Its definitely not the time to push that middle tower. Warding is also an important part of map awareness, Wards provide great map vision and are great at protecting you from ganks and protecting important objectives (Dragon and Baron).


Know Your Role:

    (And Everyone Elses)



You have to be a flexible player in 5v5 Solo Queue, it is important that you understand every role (AD, AP, Support, Jungler, Tank, Solo Top), it is useless to be only good at playing AP mid, you may not always get to play this role and when you don't your basically guaranteeing a loss for your team. By also understanding the different champion roles you will be able to make sense of your ally (and enemy) decisions.


If you feel that you are deserving of a higher Elo (as you are a better player) then you should aim to play either AP mid or a Jungler every game. This is because these two roles have the ability to have a global influence on the game and support the other lanes due to their ability to be more mobile.


Win Your Lane:



This one should come as no surprise, but it definitely needs to be included on this page.


Winning your lane can go a long way to winning your team the game. Not only does it give you a lead over the enemy team it may also lead to the enemy getting angry at eachother, reducing their teamwork and communication. The most important part of winning your lane comes during and after the laning phase, when you use the advantage you have gained to help your team mates. You should be looking to gank other lanes, especially lanes where your allies are doing poorly.


Counter picking can go a long way to helping you win your lane. Counter picking involves picking a champion that does well against your opponents pick. For example the enemy may have picked Kassadin, you wanted to play Annie but know that you can't beat Kassadin, so instead you can counterpick Kassadin with Morgana. Giving you an edge in the laning phase.

If you are looking to escape 'Elo Hell' winning your lane is a great place to start, by winning your lane your chances of winning instantly skyrocket.


Champions To Get Out Of Elo Hell:

While there are many viable champions in League of Legends there are a few stand out choices that perform particularly well in Elo Hell.


Champions that perform well in Elo Hell and Solo Queue in particular all have some sort of strong crowd control, especially area of effect crowd control (Annie, Amumu or Galio). Good Elo Hell champions also have the ability to carry a team with their damage output (Vayne, Tyrndamere or Gangplank).


Communicate and Lead Your Team:



League of Legends is a team game and as such communication is a key aspect. It is extremely important that you always communicate with your team. Not only during the game but also in champion select. Ask your team mates who they want to play, while also discussing what the team needs and what possible counter picks your team can pick against the enemy team.


During the game it is important to use pings to co-ordinate your team and let them know when to retreat, there is no need to ping excessively though, one or two will do.


Leadership is another aspect of communication that is needed in League of Legends. If you believe you are a better player than the Elo you are in, you need to use your knowledge and better game judgement to lead your team to victory. Direct your team when to go for important objectives such as Dragon, Baron Nashor or when to push an enemy tower. Encourage your team when your doing well or direct them as to what isn't being done correctly (such as targeting the correct enemy).


Keep The Rage To A Minimum:



Rage has cost me many League of Legend games and it was only when I got it under control did I quickly jump up the Elo ratings. Rage makes you play worse and reduces your teams communication, lowering your chances of winning.


The best method I found to combat rage was simply to stop playing League of Legends after losing a ranked game and take a 30minute break. Also taking small breaks in between queuing can help you focus and avoid queuing with the same people


Duo Queue:



Duo Queuing is another great method to escape Elo Hell. By duo queuing you add another reliable player to your team reducing the chances of having a bad player that feeds or a leaver.


Your best option is to duo queue with a real-life friend who has similar League of Legends abilities or you can add people after you play ranked games with them (if they were a good player). As a general rule you should avoid duo queuing with people who are higher or lower than your Elo by 100 as this creates some matchmaking hiccups.


I hope you liked it ;)




Credits: Not all to me


Regards ;)

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I dont like the part of the role Cause i play top/Jungle(Sometimes support) And i can say i play enough well in dat role but if play mid or ad  i will -beep- the game  So I think you can not play the same with all the roles

(Counter pick for kassa=Talon)

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No no no and no.


If you are good enough,there is no elo hell.Carry 1v9 and win,nothing else.Everything u said is not working.



I wished cancer every single game to my teammates,didn't communicate at all.Still 35 wins 8 defeats.No elo hell if u are good.Elo hell is just

an excuse for bad players who can't accept they are bad.

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No no no and no.


If you are good enough,there is no elo hell.Carry 1v9 and win,nothing else.Everything u said is not working.



I wished cancer every single game to my teammates,didn't communicate at all.Still 35 wins 8 defeats.No elo hell if u are good.Elo hell is just

an excuse for bad players who can't accept they are bad.

op tsili

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Hmmm if there is a feeder with 0/15 score in 10 mins i can't win and of curse i can't stay calm.Now if you can gratz :)


Still,if you expect in soloqueue teammates,you are forced to stay on low elo.Nobody will carry ur way up (except if u choose my elo boost

services^^),cause it's solo queue

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Still,if you expect in soloqueue teammates,you are forced to stay on low elo.Nobody will carry ur way up (except if u choose my elo boost

services^^),cause it's solo queue


My idol is Dr3mo from 1000 he went 1500 so i believe in escape ;)

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see we believe at escape :D


when i was 300 elo,i was bad.When 500 same.

when 1300 same,when 1800 same,when 1900 same.

then i became better :)

elo makes you go where u belong.no matter of teammates/enemies.

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[05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: Connecting to login on [05/10 17:25:22] LoginServerThread: LoginServer not available, trying to reconnect...   And This is my login config file:   # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Login Server Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the server configuration file. Here you can set up the connection information for your server. # This was written with the assumption that you are behind a router. # Dumbed Down Definitions... # LAN (LOCAL area network) - typically consists of computers connected to the same router as you. # WAN (WIDE area network) - typically consists of computers OUTSIDE of your router (ie. the internet). # x.x.x.x - Format of an IP address. Do not include the x'es into settings. Must be real numbers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Networking # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginserverHostname = # Default: 2106 LoginserverPort = 2106 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Please don't change default IPs here if you don't know what are you doing!</font></b></u> # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">External/Internal IPs are now inside "ipconfig.xml" file.</font></b></u> # Default: LoginHostname = # The port on which login will listen for GameServers # Default: 9014 LoginPort = 9014 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Specify the JDBC driver class for your database. # Default: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver Driver = org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver # Database URL # Default: jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/l2jmobiusinterlude?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&connectTimeout=10000&interactiveClient=true&sessionVariables=wait_timeout=600,interactive_timeout=600&autoReconnect=true # Database user info. Default is "root" but it's not recommended. Login = root # Database user password, leave empty for no password. Password = root # Maximum number of database connections to maintain in the pool. # Default: 5 MaximumDatabaseConnections = 5 # Determine whether database connections should be tested for availability. # Default: False TestDatabaseConnections = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Automatic Database Backup Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate database backups when server restarts or shuts down.  BackupDatabase = False # Path to MySQL bin folder. Only necessary on Windows. MySqlBinLocation = C:/xampp/mysql/bin/ # Path where MySQL backups are stored. BackupPath = ../backup/ # Maximum number of days that backups will be kept. # Old files in backup folder will be deleted. # Set to 0 to disable. BackupDays = 30 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread Configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defines the number of threads in the scheduled thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. ScheduledThreadPoolSize = 2 # Defines the number of threads in the instant thread pool. # If set to -1, this will be determined by available processors divided by 2. InstantThreadPoolSize = 2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned. # Default: 5 LoginTryBeforeBan = 5 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. # Default: 900 (15 minutes) LoginBlockAfterBan = 900 # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots # Default: True AcceptNewGameServer = True # Flood Protection. All values are in milliseconds. # Default: True EnableFloodProtection = True # Default: 15 FastConnectionLimit = 15 # Default: 700 NormalConnectionTime = 700 # Default: 350 FastConnectionTime = 350 # Default: 50 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Misc Login Settings # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If False, the license (after the login) will not be shown. # Default: True ShowLicence = True # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True # Datapack root directory. # Defaults to current directory from which the server is started. DatapackRoot = . # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scheduled Login Restart # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable disable scheduled login restart. # Default: False LoginRestartSchedule = False # Time in hours. # Default: 24 LoginRestartTime = 24    
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