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My opinion for the enchanting

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Hello. This is my first topic here and i hope i will help with something.


I've been playing a long time in MML2 Interlude. Everyone who played on this server knows how "easy" is enchanting a weapon (Chance 65%)...

Anyway... I want to tell/show you what i think for the enchant rate on L2J.


I'm standing near the GMShop and enchanting... and i saw something.. On every 1-2 hours (or maybe short), there is 10-15 seconds time when i am enchanting without fail. I had enchanted 6 daggers "Naga Storm" to +10. for 3 "Save enchant" times. After that i broke 4 of them for +11 and 2 for +12. I caught this "save time" over 10 times and tried to enchant different armors or weapons (all with success in this seconds). so i made a simple image (with paint :D) to show you for what i am talking about.


Click, click, click...


I don't know how many of you will believe me, but this is my opinion for the enchanting.


P.S. sry for my English.

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Chotic throne +interlude echant rate is 1 in 3 weps is sucessfull enchanted.

You enchant a thing and continue echanting and you say: wow i found a bug

then your wep brokes and you think: maybe was my fault in something.


Bah, its just luck.

In holydays me and a friend went to a HR server and we tried to echant...

We tryied in shadows, in sun, during day, at night, under water, sitted, near a tree, during zariche and dual sword appearing time, tried near a RB,

tried with soulshots"trik"


And guess what!

Yeah, they all broked.

One of weps went from +0 to +15 and guess again!

Yeah, its that! Broked to +16

i hope this help you forgeting the echants bugs.


Wanna enchant? Make a good script for l2phx and maybe it will work

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Chotic throne +interlude echant rate is 1 in 3 weps is sucessfull enchanted.

lol? no...deppends on how much ++ the weapon has it's not 1 in 3....well of crs i don't know what fuked up server your playing on ^^ anyway the more your weap. is enchanted the more chance you have to brake it....at least that is how things work on normal servers ^^
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In my opinion, is just enchant luck .... there is no bug or exploit to enchant 100% success rate ... just a big luck ...


He sought info countless times across the Internet on "tricks" exploits "bugs" to achieve Enchanted 100% success rate ... I think anyone who plays the lineage also has sought and what I have read many things ... but ... have never worked.


The only thing that could serve ... and is not an exploit or bug ... is to take chances and statistics.


My Opinion.


Anyway, thanks for share your trick.

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All l2j servers has set up chances for enchant. It is stored in one file. It depends from every l2j server what 'enchant chances' they want to use.

toshkabg said he feel time when enchanting is save. It is possible because l2j server can have set up special script to change 'enchant chances' per specific period of time. It is possible but I really doubt any server would do that because people would discover that very quickly and enchant all weapons to max enchant count.


Shortly it is luck unless you are using exploit :)

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