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Hello everyone, I'm pretty noob whit lineage 2 client.

Someone can tell me how i can edit the content of an UKX file (Encrypt and Decrypt)?


Thanks you for read the post.

Have nice day ( Google traductor sucks :P ).


I need to decomplie the ukx file, delete extra stuff than i dont need and compile it again.

people this days can't use search ....

Lineage 2 Program to convert ukx.


and yeas it whas maded by gildor, and to apprecite his work and continue his project support him at gildor.org with 50$ you will be donator and for you will be opened access to a thread - refered to l2tool modding etc, + patch.

good luck

don't ask nobody who can sell you for 25$ or more less price, those are dark(inside full of hatred) people who have nothing in, so they share with nothing only hatred.

Guest Elfocrash

you need Gildor's Tool, the costs of program is $50 USD.

critical error ,teoma aka lightfusion shared gildor's tool some months ago


critical error ,teoma aka lightfusion shared gildor's tool some months ago

huh you think critical error don't know this, he know this cause i think he resseled it too, like many of those who had it do, and controlled other -telling for exmple - do for me this is! and maybe i will make for you some monsters with animation, and only if you make my -and give list of 20+ he would share, even don't take in deal that he get this tool too for free from other person.

So i cutted this roots of controll, AND YEAH i'm very bad person because of that )) huh



huh you think critical error don't know this, he know this cause i think he resseled it too, like many of those who had it do, and controlled other -telling for exmple - do for me this is! and maybe i will make for you some monsters with animation, and only if you make my -and give list of 20+ he would share, even don't take in deal that he get this tool too for free from other person.

So i cutted this roots of controll, AND YEAH i'm very bad person because of that )) huh

the only diference between you and me is that at least I have some respect for people who work hard, you can instance when he was given a tool that is not yours and shared in a community for everyone, then there I come with nonsense like paper called money and the president.

the only diference between you and me is that at least I have some respect for people who work hard, you can instance when he was given a tool that is not yours and shared in a community for everyone, then there I come with nonsense like paper called money and the president.

hahh you respect )) what ? you kidding no you just missleading for your own purpose to get paper etc FOR YOUR FAMILY, cause lineage 2 shitty modding is a way to get paper /.. arhh rly ? you soo ....... feet something cretive in you and you will be no need of paper.


And making thread on forum and sites cs/la2 etc where you are selling tool of cleo dj(and his friend) that gived you it for free



ooo damn you go add something not paper in you....... a son... a mmf fac*D da mnn blal fhsjf....


hahh you respect )) what ? you kidding no you just missleading for your own purpose to get paper etc FOR YOUR FAMILY, cause lineage 2 shitty modding is a way to get paper /.. arhh rly ? you soo ....... feet something cretive in you and you will be no need of paper.


And making thread on forum and sites cs/la2 etc where you are selling tool of cleo dj(and his friend) that gived you it for free



ooo damn you go add something not paper in you....... a son... a mmf fac*D da mnn blal fhsjf....

first of all learn proper language English, my english is not perfect but yours is a shit, about tool you are saying,  fail, first of all CleoDJ don't give me nothing, CleoDJ is not author of this tool and you are angry because not give it -beep- you self and not come here to put stupids topics like, ohh I can do everything in L2, ohh you are a shit because you can't do it and me yes, bla bla bla, get a life nigger.

first of all learn proper language English, my english is not perfect but yours is a shit, about tool you are saying,  fail, first of all CleoDJ don't give me nothing, CleoDJ is not author of this tool and you are angry because not give it -beep- you self and not come here to put stupids topics like, ohh I can do everything in L2, ohh you are a shit because you can't do it and me yes, bla bla bla, get a life nigger.

nigger Ou Rly ???............ what a typical no sensble shit served only to misslead from the main topic - YOU ARE SELLING PROGRAM OF A PERSON who maded it byhimself,

what a you are - No you'r not a nigger not even racoon, you misarable peace of nothing,

you don't try to find somethin new, you only feed with your greedy - MORE MONEY MORE MONEY, more paper, no happinies you have and you won't share anything, cause you have nothing and don't want to get.




nigger Ou Rly ???............ what a typical no sensble shit served only to misslead from the main topic - YOU ARE SELLING PROGRAM OF A PERSON who maded it byhimself,

what a you are - No you'r not a nigger not even racoon, you misarable peace of nothing,

you don't try to find somethin new, you only feed with your greedy - MORE MONEY MORE MONEY, more paper, no happinies you have and you won't share anything, cause you have nothing and don't want to get.

epic history, pity did not do their homework at the time to answer accurately.

epic history, pity did not do their homework at the time to answer accurately.

You have nothing inside you, i feel bad for the son that you think it your's, to have such a creature(named - dad) that hase nothing in and only take frm other it is very bad.

Continue stealing work of other people and selling it, in the end you will regret that you don't make your work - so people have a little of you, but as you don't then you are allready nothing.


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