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Buy anything in any Npc server l2J


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I'm trying this method :

>Run hlapex

> go to an Npc to buy an items but don't buy it ( try it with a sword or tattoo)

> Go to hlapex and clik capture

> Buy the item

> you can see at hlapex requestbuyitem and you have the needed command

> go to another Npc who don't sell the same item you buy before

> click on it

> to hlapex clik send at the command request buy item

> :shock: you can see the item in your inventory

This is 100% work but I don't now if the ID of the request buy items is the same in all server. If it is the same you can buy any items in low server too !

I now that this method work on all server l2j pvp but i dont' now if you copy the same packet of the server in another server it's work ...

Does anyone now ?

Sorry for my very very bad english :( 8)

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This is not working and it will not work at any NPC.


You will get a code smth like 1F <NPC-ID> <ITEM-ID> if the NPC-ID isnt the same as in the database, it will say to GM's "an user is trying to buy smth trough an illigal way, BAN HIM!!!"

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  • 1 year later...

Actually, I was able to remove the SA of weapons when the server didnt allow me to do it. Go to a server where blacksmith lets you remove SA from a weapon and capture the packet.

Then, go to the server where you cant remove, click on the NPC and send the packet. It will remove the SA for you.


Also, I was able to buy from the BLACKSMITH items that you can only buy from MAMMON, by sending packets.


Some l2j servers are crap and you can buy stuff from every npc...just send the packets.

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