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UnforgivenWoW Account.


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Hellow guyz. I got an account on UnforgivenWoW. A FUN Server with Custom items. On my account I got 3 Full Donors. A DK/Priest/Warlock.


I`ll post one ss wich each char and I`ll mention how much does every item worth on Donation Shop.


The DK :




The Warlock :




The Priest :




Now I will tell you the prices that u`ll find in Donation Shop.



x3 Donor Set( No OFF set ) = 300 DP. (100 DP one Set )


x3Off Set - Each char has Off Set = 105 DP. ( 35 DP one OFF Set )


x3 Donor Shirts - Each char has one = 45 DP. ( 15 DP one Cloak )


x3 Donor Cloak = 45 DP. ( 15 DP one Cloak )


x3 Donor Tabard - Each char has one. = 60 DP. (20 DP one Tabard )


Donor Sigil - On DK =  15 DP.


x3 x4 Donor Bag - 4x on each char = 60 DP. ( 5 DP one bag and I got 4x on each char. So its 60 DP on all chars. )


x3 Donor Talisman - Each Char has one. = 105 DP. ( 35 DP one Talisman )


x2 Card Judgement ( spell ) - I have it on Priest/Warlock = 40 DP. ( 20 DP one Card Judgement )


Card Destruction ( melee ) - On DK = 20 DP.


3x 2x Ancient Box - Each char has two = 180 DP. ( 30 DP 1 Ancient Box. Each char has two. So 60 DP on each char. )


Ancient Box includes 2x Trinkets and 1 Neck. I bought two on each to have the best trinket twice...


2x Donor Staff - On Priest/Warlock = 40 DP. ( 20 DP one staff )


2x Donor Wand - On Priest/Warlock = 30 DP. ( 15 DP one wand )


Donor Main-Off Hand Fist = 30 DP. ( 15 DP one Fist )




I won`t add that I got Custom Gems. 3x Gems = 5 DP. In the whole set u can put 57 sockets.


If I make a little calcul I get that I spend like 1125 + Donor Points.


Now let me tell you the price if ur trying to donate.


I`ll tell ya the whole list.


1 DP = 1$.

7 DP = 5$.

15 DP = 10$.

22 DP = 15$.

30 DP = 20$.

45 DP = 30$.

75 DP = 50$.

105 DP = 70$.

150 DP = 100$.

225 DP = 150$.

300 DP = 200$.

450 DP = 300$.

750 DP = 500$.


I want to give that account for ONLY 300$ ( Negociable ). If there is someone interested just contact me on :


Yahoo : mad_kid15@yahoo.com


Skype : los_cr


Thank you.

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