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[Question] Intros/Chooses

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Now, I want to get back on track with these things.

So, if anyone needs a intro/choose page for your Lineage II Server, write here, in this topic.

You have to include server name, and what type do you need;

  • language intro/choose (if so, include languages)
  • server intro/choose (if so, include both servers names and, in that case, the name of both of them (what will be the main name on the intro/choose))
  • chronicle intro/choose (if so, include chronicles (Interlude - High Five, Interlude - Freya, Freya - High Five etc.)


When I will make it, I will send you an example of it via PM. If you like it, you pm me back and I post only an image of it (a work done). If you don't like it, you pm me back and I will share it (since you didn't like it, I think I should just share it, no?).


P.s. I don't know if I wrote in the right section ..

P.s.s. This may seem stupid to someone, but please, no off-topic, I just want to get back on track with these things, then I will go to website editing/creating. But first, THIS.

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Well I would like the 1st one.

Language Intro/Choose for an Interlude server.

Languages: Greek, English, Spanish

I'll send you the name via PM.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

i would like an intro for l2 interlude server


Choices:No Custom/Custom/Forum/Facebook

client: Interlude

Name Lineage 2 Noel

bg: http://www.lineage2media.com/wallpapers/ct3Lindvior/Lineage%202%20Media%20Lindvior%20201209_1920%201080.jpg

Thanks in advance

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Now, I want to get back on track with these things.

So, if anyone needs a intro/choose page for your Lineage II Server, write here, in this topic.

You have to include server name, and what type do you need;

  • language intro/choose (if so, include languages)
  • server intro/choose (if so, include both servers names and, in that case, the name of both of them (what will be the main name on the intro/choose))
  • chronicle intro/choose (if so, include chronicles (Interlude - High Five, Interlude - Freya, Freya - High Five etc.)

When I will make it, I will send you an example of it via PM. If you like it, you pm me back and I post only an image of it (a work done). If you don't like it, you pm me back and I will share it (since you didn't like it, I think I should just share it, no?).


P.s. I don't know if I wrote in the right section ..

P.s.s. This may seem stupid to someone, but please, no off-topic, I just want to get back on track with these things, then I will go to website editing/creating. But first, THIS.


Good Job! keep helping people :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't tried doing for CS 1.6, so .. I doubt something good would turn out :/

I thought you're a good GFX Artist? So it shouldn't be that big problem for you :p

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