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Bypass Molten-Wow

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There's any way to bypass the 'sentinel' anti-cheat protection?


Warden's most powerful and dangerous (for exploiters) check is MEM_CHECK. It can request any memory location from memory witch Wow.exe uses. It sends the actual memory in that location to server for checking

For example MEM_CHECK request for memory 0x5191C0 with length 2 would send '558B' to server (this is the most usual injection point for LUA protection removal), so if it sends something other than 558B you get ban

Warden packets have checksum, that server validates

TL;DR; If you don't want to get your hack detected by warden, never give it to anyone EVER EVER. If they find memory location you modify it's GG in minutes.
This is no longer about writing tricky checks server side and thinking how they will affect performance (like it is with movement cheat detecion serverside). Now it is just about finding the memory location you inject into.
The worst case scenario is someone splitting whole Wow.exe in MEM_CHECKs and checking every single byte in it over time

Warden has been active on AT for almost month already and it's good, but there are ways around it.

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