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[Share]Elfocrash's vote reward system

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Great Share Elfocrash...

I added it with an extra function..


It's a counter that counts the votes of the player but it requires 2 database connections.. What do you think ?


What's The point of sharing this one Mr Elfo??? Once and you want just to sell it??? It would be better if you could make a topic to a marketplace section for it... Good Job.!!!!


What's The point of sharing this one Mr Elfo??? Once and you want just to sell it??? It would be better if you could make a topic to a marketplace section for it... Good Job.!!!!

We still know who you are Mr.DarkTerror.

What's The point of sharing this one Mr Elfo???


Just read what he said..


Ok as long as someone who bought my works decided to share it then i will share it myself.


if (firstvoteshop < getHopZoneVotes())
	                        	+if (activeChar.isOnline() && !activeChar.getClient().isDetached() && !_ips.contains(activeChar.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress()))	
	                        	  TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder();
	                               NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);

	                             +  _ips.add(activeChar.getClient().getConnection(). getInetAddress().getHostAddress());

try this


Hello Elfocrash,

you have done an excelent work once more! Great Job!


I wanted to ask if the second version (which will be available for paying customers) will still have these reported errors and yourself reported on purpose made lags.


Also will it be like this one in compatibility I mean will it be for H5 as well?


It really looks unique and promising I am looking forward in using it :D

Keep up sharing/coding!

Guest Elfocrash

Who paid for that? xD

Elfocrash post here your update, the ppl want see your code done :P


17 clients.do the math. 17x20= 340 euros.cool ha?

Also locked.

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