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Gracia Final - x16 Launch date 15/6 18:00 GMT+2


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Before some weeks we announced a hi5 server.But russians fucked us up.We will not let it down so we are going for a gracia final official server


Here are the features:




Adena Amount: x16

Exp Amount: x16

SP Amount: x16

SealStones amount: x16

Adena Chance: 100%

Sealstones Chance: 100%

Drop Chance: x10

Drop Amount: x1

Spoil Chance: x10

Spoil Amount: x3 (can be changed)

Quest Item Reward Amount: x5 (For some quests only)

Quest Exp Reward: x6

Quest SP Reward: x6

Quest Adena Reward: x6

RB Drop Chance: x6

RB Drop Amount: x1

RB Adena Amount: x6

Epic Drop Chance: x5

Epic Drop Amount: x1

Epic Drop Adena Amount: x6



Server Features


Vitality Items

Antibot system providing fair play between players

Max Clients: 3 per PC

Everything Working 100% Until Gracia Final Chronicle

Buff time official like

No custom buffers.Game mechanics has its own buffers at known towns

No custom commands (.expon / expoff etc)

Class Quests items will be on NPCs

Clanhalls will be given to active clans only

Nobless / Subclass quest official like

Donations will not affect game

Weekly event program for item drop, exp, sp , adena , spoil boost (e.g On monday xp rate will be more, on tuesday spoil rate will be more etc)




Launch date: 15/6 18:00 GMT+2


Thanks for your support

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You can call it unique fail.But for sure other servers that they call themselves as Unique platforms are fails too


Where admins dont know how to fix bugs (example Gracia final bug at opening sod where it wasnt closed....it took around 6 months to be fixed while we can fix it in 4 days) and doesnt have a clue about l2server and how it is working...Allowing bugs and abuses


We can accept every opinion, but  please judge us after testing us




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Prove it, i heard such things about ten times.


Why 1st european unique hi5? what's that ,there are like over 50 hi5 private servers ... and some retail like ,there is no unique since you just use same crappy features from platform


Unique is the difference between your server and the others ,edited by your own hands ,making it upstanding ,thats unique


That's the reason is Fail...


Well whatever ,was just my opinion even if its attacking your emotions  :P ,judging by your character, your patience and your polite words, you are a great man i guess, Good Luck

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About 1st European:


There is no other server which has the same files as us which is pure on English language


The other server that have 100% official h5 servers are russians


Other english hi5 servers are just java


Thats why it goes for unique european.


i hope you can understand me now

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Here you can see screenshots from test server




This week i will bring up server to prove to everyone that files are official hi5.This week we will have the test server online for public


As i have told , we are working in the scene of lineage2 server since 2004


As for the image at main site.Its just a quick temporary image because the original site is being under construction.It will be rdy this week


I would like to see you in server and check it by yourself

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What's the deal , you just show us the lineage 2 default... lol

Wanna show you real screenshots from my server ?

Like npcs,html,buffer,gatekeepers,retail shops etc ?


And i work in java just for 1 month :))


Il show you just 0,15% of my server ,1 page of 1 npc at least ,to show you something different :) :))

Let me show you at least a page from my buffer




This was my first npc i made after i started to learn html and java [1 month and half ago :))] when i started server about 2 months ago




Have a piece from my buffer (i have 6 pages but il show you 1 page ,i made it 2 weeks ago and it took me like 1 day only to make it ,fully working etc)



This is how npc should look like ,by the way ,i just showed you like 0,30% of my server ,wanna show you 60% of what i have done in 1 month ? :))




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I challenge everyone, when test server is rdy for public, to find anything that shows that our files are java by testing them.


I will pay him with 1.000 Euro.



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Who cares about fricking sick useless official files?

You dont need quality to start with if you end with fail quantity only...


I can show you what i can make with java and html (l2dc actually) from only 1 month and half of experience ,that crap devs and html editors with years of experience doesnt know how to even start rofl


You just copy-paste dude ... be serious ,you dont put an effort there ,you just pay to get a crappy retail server made from official files


YOU dont even bother to modify something in that bought pack : > ,for what use ?

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At first place you doubt that we have official files


After giving more explanations, now you say that official files sucks instead of Java (lolz)


I do not have anything more to say.Your state "you just pay to get a crappy retail server made from official files" , its the idea of your post


As i wrote above, we are in the field of lineage2 server , developing since 2004.We are not here since yesterday


ps: i didn't wrote that if our server has success, in the future we have the opportunity to upgrade to official pts GOD server





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a)At first place you doubt that we have official files


b)After giving more explanations, now you say that official files sucks instead of Java (lolz)


I do not have anything more to say.Your state "you just pay to get a crappy retail server made from official files" , its the idea of your post


c)As i wrote above, we are in the field of lineage2 server , developing since 2004.We are not here since yesterday


d)ps: i didn't wrote that if our server has success, in the future we have the opportunity to upgrade to official pts GOD server




a) Hahaha ,that was funny, where i said i doubt? ,i said that it doesnt matter if you have off files if you just copy-paste and release the server without putting a effort in it... ,you just rely on off files


b) You are funny ,i didnt said that java is better than off ,i meant that only idiots relly on official thinking that java sucks that much ,if you can fix some little bugs then java is more than fine ,you are very pretentious ,sounds like you are from a rich family or something like that...


c) You are developing since 2004 ,im developing since 2012 2 months ago and i think i can do much better job than you ,it looks like you're out of skills ,maybe you dont have the gift to make servers ,you just waste your time actually ,rely on some off files... to make the job in your place ... ,i don't think you have a real life though and you dont look smart either


d) upgrade to god for what? is obvious that you dont even care in the first place ,why you would do that? if you were a real l2 fan you would not bother to make it hi5 instead ,but actually an c4 or gracia or something like that ,especially upgrading to another client DESPISE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE DEVELOPING SINCE 2004 ,what server did you releases? another retail ones but l2j? and i guess you did the same ,developing what? buy pack and start server? is that you call developing ? xD


REMEMBER: We are not fighting ,im just telling you some truths

Regards SunBeam

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I agree with SunBeam on every account.


You are barking up the wrong tree OP. You offer bugless server with retail gameplay, there are plenty of servers that offer that. They have 50 players each. Moreover there is official, which is free to begin with.


Just stop. Fixing bugs is compulsory. It's your damn duty if not just in your damn interests to do so.

Offering new things is what brings people. What you are doing now has been done for the last half a decade.

You will have 100 players max for 2 weeks.

Having a self coded source is not impressive anymore.

Changing rates is not impressive.

Fixing bugs is not impressive either.


This is exactly the same thing that was given to people with minor changes.


SunBeam has the right idea.

I don't like his work and I wouldn't play his server, but his pics, if genuinely his, show work done.

This game is so old, I don't care about bugs or off files. If anybody does, they are damn clueless kids. If you want to get attention of that audience you will fail cos those kids will leave your server cos there won't be anything to do.



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