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i need some help with this code



Hi MxC! I need some help to Customizable this code to l2jserver Freya. modify this code and tried to compile and did not give me error.

But the code does not work in the game. someone give me a hand?


this is the code: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=238116.0;topicseen

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I added all the lines that are in the code. but as in freya the index  com/l2jserver/gameserver/handler/voicedcommandhandlers/sellbuff.java do not exist, because voicedcommandhandlers is a java, the new java place it in the index com/l2jserver/gameserver/handler/sellbuff.java



_voicedCommandHandler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance();
		_voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new stats());
+		_voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new sellbuff());

do not exist in gameserver.java. do not know where to put or how to adapt this, i try creating a instance in sellbuff and put sellbuff getinstance(); in the gameserver.java but did not work.


sorry for my bad english

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Try to register it in here java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/handler/VoicedCommandHandler.java inside private VoicedCommandHandler()


also, if _voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new sellbuff()); will show u an error, change it to registerVoicedCommandHandler(new sellbuff());


I don't know exactly how it is on freya, since I don't use it.. :D

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L2J had the funny idea to move all handlers from core side to DP side.


Add it to scripts.cfg, where all handlers (voice, etc) are now loaded.


And deleted the handler in the core, it's not supported. Put it in DP side. See scripts folder for more infos.

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