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can anyone help me ??



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package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;


However, what kind of stat do you want to include? You can add whatever you want but I don't think you're going to be able to show it in that window.

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What you want to do is possible on the server-side but showing it to the user is a completely different story.


I'm not sure if it's possible to modify the actual content in the Lineage 2 GUI windows. You can change the textures but I don't know if you can for example add another element on here to represent your extra value. You need to head over to the client section and ask those guys.

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What you want to do is possible on the server-side but showing it to the user is a completely different story.


I'm not sure if it's possible to modify the actual content in the Lineage 2 GUI windows. You can change the textures but I don't know if you can for example add another element on here to represent your extra value. You need to head over to the client section and ask those guys.

And dont forget that you will need to modify the packets that you send to the client with the new info.

But you can allways do an extra htm window that can me opened with custom command (.getLegendTime)

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Honestly another option is adding something like this in your L2PcInstance


private int legendarywhatevervalue;
public int getlegendarywhatevervalue() { return this.legendarywhatevervalue; }

Then just write a jython quest or something that'll simply call the players get function to display the value. Or you can simply just use a value that's already there.

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If you want to show a new variable in char window, I repeat, you need client edit. Another mean is to use one of the existing value and replace it, but you can change only values, not categories titles.


About client edit, I strictly got no clue what you need, and that's not the good section to ask for it. Go on client section.


About values themselves, you have to edit CharInfo packet.

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