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Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm,Compile scripts

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This is a video( its about two hours, but cause its speeded up its only 1, i have problems on slowing it down, so if someone could help my i appriciate for his help)

of the big journey of adding custom skills effect on mesh armor

In all of this video is shown many aspects



Compile Scripts,

Listing actors in game,

Editing Model adding new Points,edges, making it new.

Making animation in 3ds max,

adding mesh in UT2004(And converting)

adding alpha chanels,

and many more.

its a lot of work.


The video is divided on 7 parts

and yeah they are speeded up, so if you watching them you better first slow it down

for exmple in AVS Video editor,

yeah i wanna do same process but it make me a file of 2.54 gb that will take a While i guess 1 day to make one file.

so i rly need your help in converting the video.

So here it is.


Link on pirate bay


!!!!! PAY attention that on this video you wouldn't see many IMPORTANT aspects

because of too much speed.

So you better slow it down.

i will slow it soon after i find a person who hase a good internet connection

and good PC to make this all process.
















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nice guide, ofc it is, the torrent don't have nothing :D, anyway I download videos with Jdownloader, keep working, I remember when you send me PM in Gildor telling me i am a asshole bla bla bla, cool story bro, look where we are now, however I am not resentful.

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