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i need an answear


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i got -1 karma , and i know who  did it ,

the user that decrease my karma is Mr.Nitro , as i ask to a mod ,  he did it without reason

i am sorry but i am so much time online to this forum to get - karma without reason ?

some of you have the authority to increase or decrease the karma of normal user's , but when you doing it give a reason ,

i am sorry that i make a new topic to tell that but i haven't  other way  .

If Mr.Nitro tell here  , in the topic why he did it i will stop  crying ! but i can't accept  -1 karma without reason !

thnx ! 



P.S i  make a message to him before 10 minutes when he was online but he never answear !

do something plz

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well maybe u created a topic that was already there , or replied to an old topic ... , posted in wrong section

btw. im 1 year + , on this site and i dunno when or why my karma changed to -1 i don't eaven care :)

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man i told you that Mr.Nitro gave me karma without reason

he just GIVE ME -1 KARMA

understand it ! he don't know what he use his access  ,  all mods giving reason when decrease a karma from someone

only Mr.Nitro never give ! i don't accept this and i want my karma back ! i didn't  make something bad to  got -1 karma and i know it

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look here in my first post

 the user that decrease my karma is Mr.Nitro , as i ask to a mod ,  

i told that i ask a mod about who change my karma !

so yae i am 100% sure  that he did  it , the mod looked if the -1 karma had a reason ! and yes -1 karma without reason done ! can you explain me that ?  if you got a  -1 karma without reason u will normal ? i am very angry  and i am sure that u would !

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Exofil, Mr.Nitro is a guy that you really don't want for friend...Trust me..I can not say anything about that, but as I can see your karma is 0 now...So problem solved...

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my karma is -2 too but i dont know why....it was 0...k4rma explain me and i thank him for this but who reduce my karma?? and why...next time please send e message after reducing karma and the reason...i dont care about karma..



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my karma is -2 too but i dont know why....it was 0...k4rma explain me and i thank him for this but who reduce my karma?? and why...next time please send e message after reducing karma and the reason...i dont care about karma..




--->  http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22800.msg156222#msg156222 :-/



ps (@Topic Author: tetoia topics mono edw[sPAM topic] k mhn dineis sunexeia se tetoia 8emata afou lu8hkes)

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Em kai gia na kserete an exete apories gia to karma min kanete nea topics,apla kante pm se enan mod.


O TheRuleZzZ afou m ekane pm kai t apantisa oti dn exei balei reason kai egw dn 3erw ton logo ekane topic.


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