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hello guys i have create with friends one protection

this is the configs


# It works, but still in test mode              -
# Enable/Disable Guard Protection System ?
# by default: True = On
Enabled = true
# User's login name
UserName = L2ServerName
# Sampling time client for unwanted software search (seconds)
PollInterval = 60
# The action, when you try to use the unwanted software. Acceptable:
# kick - out of my game
# jail - put a character in prison (with no time limit)
# ban - ban Account
# hwid - the iron
OnHackAttempt = kick
# Block the entrance with no attempt GuardSystem or with a key that does not match server
Log_invalid_key = True
AnnonceNonProtect = true
AnnounceHackAttempt = true
# Whether to display the information in the TOS of each session?
GCinfosession = true
# restrictions               								 -
# Number of sessions from one machine (-1 - no restrictions)
Windows_Count = 1
# To allow twinks to the Olympics
AllowTwinkOnOlympiad = False
# Allow the siege of twinks
AllowTwinkOnSiege = True
# Additional (user guides) Soon
#CustomRestrictor = TvTEvent

i have test and working special


the price is 10euro


ok sure.

This isn't yours.

This one is made by serk and it don't work.



Real config file:


#                Serk Guard Protection System                                        #
Enabled = true
#Protection User Name/pass
UserName = admin
Pass = adminpowerxd
#Check Protection System Time
PollInterval = 60
#Actions of hack attempt:
OnHackAttempt = kick
Log_invalid_key = True
AnnonceNonProtect = True
AnnounceHackAttempt = True
# Restriction               								 -
#Same pc Windows count (under developing)
Windows_Count = 1
#Olympiad protection
AllowTwinkOnOlympiad = False
AllowTwinkOnSiege = True
# CustomRestrictor
CustomRestrictor = 




who is the serk ? this guard created by me and 4 russian friends

get serious idiot.

It isn't yours and you know (actually as i saw your title "learning java")

Also you're sharing codes 2 lines like announce gm/hero bla bla you have the knowledge to create something like this?




get serious idiot.

It isn't yours and you know (actually as i saw your title "learning java")

Also you're sharing codes 2 lines like announce gm/hero bla bla you have the knowledge to create something like this?



so I may not know but I've learned to be happy something friends who have made the protection you have any problem ?


Not from you for sure or maybe fake.


if you need i have online server and i can send you the system for login to server and test any hacks

l2tower phx walker to test the protection


Every simple server has protection for l2walker are you kidding bro? O m g  try to find an other situation in order to get monay  stop trying to find fool ppl here

is not only for walker. is for walker phx hlapex and very more

any program that can cause damage

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