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onFirstTalk Function



Hi, i was writing Seven Signs quest but onFirstTalk function i stuck.

when i talk to npc example : 

npcId == WestTeleportControlDevice


it shows me exact html what is written onFirstTalk function but,

when i press to teleport button it has no reaction.


Bypass of html

<a action="bypass -h Quest ToTheMonastery TeleWest">Move to West Watcher's Room</a>


i have written TeleWest function to teleport on exact cordinates, but no reaction,

hope mxc will help

public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
     	  int npcId = npc.getNpcId();
	if(npcId == WestTeleportControlDevice)
		return "32816-01.htm";
	else if(npcId == NorthTeleportControlDevice)
		return "32817-01.htm";
	else if(npcId == EastTeleportControlDevice)
		return "32818-01.htm";
	else if(npcId == SouthTeleportControlDevice)
		return "32819-01.htm";

	for(int[] d : desks)
		if(Util.ArrayContains(d, npcId))
			if(npcId == d[0])
				return npcId + "-01.htm";
				return "empty_desk.htm";

	return null;

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Bypasses are related to onAdvEvent.


onFirstTalk changes behavior of the first HTM (the one shown when you double click on a NPC).


Btw you don't show anything related to TeleWest, so I can't say what you did wrong. Check panda sig.

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