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Me & Magaki13


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Hello everyone, it's about time for me to expose our relation. We've been dating for 2 years now, and now that i moved to Greece we started to live together, we just can't live apart anymore. Wanted to let him know that i love him so much!


P.S.: Here's an example of our chat when i'm at work and he's home waiting for me.



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That's the surprise you were talking about?!

Anyway, I guess it's time to talk about that as well.


2 years ago, Anya visited Greece. Till then, we used to talk about hax and sex. We decided to meet each other just for fun. Well, we fell in love instantly.

She's so gorgeous, so attractive, so special. Recently, she moved to Greece and now we live together.


I'm on MxC for 5 years, so I think I had to share my relationship with the forum, since it's with another member.

Wanted to let him know that i love him so much!


Baby.. :')
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damn you do sexting notbad.png

I really believe you love each other, long live your relationship!


























































What about my sig? okay.png



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damn you do sexting notbad.png

I really believe you love each other, long live your relationship.


Thanks. I ignore the rest of your post.
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It was so long ago, i'm glad we met. Thanks to MaxCheaters we're now together, i think that Maxtor should do something as a party for us, we're the first couple on maxcheaters.


@Raule, i'm quite busy on my new job in Greece, that's why i didn't had time to work on it.


@Gregor, well you can think whatever you want, facts proove it. We're now together lovin' eachothers.


@*Vazelos*, you're just hatin i declined your relationship offers!

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If is that really you from your profile picture put a sock on you head and show us the picture notbad.png so the whole mxc wont call you a boy or shemale.

bitch please..


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