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[share] Goddess Of Destruction Initiative-Project rev.547

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Hi this is Goddess Of Destruction Initiative-Project look  8)


http://depositfiles.com/files/watjvr599  link : 1

http://turbobit.net/fzhs51ed643a.html  link : 2

http://hitfile.net/a3G8  link : 3


Fix: missing dialogs for quest Searching for the Mysterious Power

Fix: missing dialogs for quest Going Into Real War

Developed quest: Respect Your Elders

Developed quest: To The Ye Sagira Ruins

Fix: weapons stats Requiem Caster, Requiem Buster, Requiem Shooter, Requiem Thrower, Requiem Cutter

Added dialogs for quest: Finding Magister Gallint

Fix: quest engine Searching for the Mysterious Power

Fix: Armors equip requirements

Fix: weapons stats Requiem Dual Dagger, Requiem Dual Blunt Weapon

Developed: Comission Shop

Added Weapons data R95 Grade (forgotten)

Added types of crystals for weapons \ armor for R+ grade

Added: forgotten Craft Stamps R+ grade and Enchant Scrolls R+ grade

Added Weapons data R99 Grade (forgotten)

Developed quest: Roles Of Seeker

Fix: weapons stats Celestial Buster, Celestial Shooter

Fix: incorrectly slots for armor

Developed random teleportation mammon to towns, according to ct3

Developerd packet level for Awakened сlass change

Fix condition: equip R-grade weapons can be any race

Fix: magic skill use packet, for Dual Class system

Implemented dialogs for next NPC's: Pike, Roll, Rivont, Dana, Priest of Resurrection

Developed: Awakain class system

Fix: remove drop vitality herbs, according ct3

Fix quest: Olympiad Starter, according ct3

Fix quest: Olympiad Undefeated, according ct3

Update: Museum

Update: small update for quest Lets Go to the Central Square + cosmetical dialogs fixes

Implemented dialogs for next NPC's: Bernarde, Olen Treant, Maxor, Gunner, Orahochin

Fix: Pet info packets

Removed quest contributing to a decrease in players karma, according ct3

Small changes of the death penalty

Fix: Giving Fame points

Fix: Apocalypse Armors stats

Update formula: Magic evasion, accuracy

Removed ability to purchase Clan Oath armors with blacksmith, according ct3

Fame system: updated of points count given out during the siege Fort

Small fix spawns at the Museum

Update: R-Grade sets armor bonuses

Items S84 grade lowered to S80, according ct3




Maximum level of acceptance to the academy increased, according to ct3

Removed quest: To Lead And Be Led, according to ct3

Developed quest: Request Of Seeker

Developed quest: Obligations Of Seeker

Update Blacksmith Pinter functional, according to ct3

Small corrections for new characters stats

Removed quests for the removal karma, according to ct3

Update bonus sets: Immortal Light Set, Hell Light Set, Hell Robe Set, Kadesh Robe Set

Fix ct3 skill: Prevision

Fix ct3 skill: Savage

Added forgotten an item in the Gm Shop: RGrade enchant scrolls, soulshots

Developed quest: Seeker Escort

Update: packets commission shop

Fix: Awakened Manager

Fix: Some transformations

Fix missing dialogs for quest: Respect Your Elders

Developed quest: Certification Of Seeker

Developed quest: Ruins Status Update

Mods: config to reset enchant level when participating in olympiad

Update: target packets

Reworked functional for castle merchant managers, according to ct3

Preparations for the "PvP" Community Board

Changes in Clan Halls, according to ct3

Mods: config for unlimited soul/spirit shots, and unlimited arrows

Fix: system magic evasion / accuracy




Fix: dialog for Sellin, in quest Obligations Of Seeker

Update: system messages data

Update: Blacksmith Mammon functional, dual swords\daggers creating data (R-Grade)

Removed: ability to acquire elite mercenaries in the castles, according to ct3

Added the ability to exchange the ancient Adena to the usual from Mammon, according to ct3

Fix: changed currency buying / exchanging for Mammon, according to ct3

Fully removed use Ancient Adena, according to ct3

Developed: Jump zones and routes for Keucereus Alliance Base (Gracia)

Fix skill: Final Ultimate Defense

Fix skill: Noble Sacrifice

Fix skill: Protection of Faith

Fix skill: Knight Frenzy

Fix skill: Gust Blade

Fix skill: Chain Galaxy

Fix skill: Superior Hate Aura

Developed quest: Searching For New Power

Small correction dialog for NPC: Pantheon

Fix skill: Hawk Cry

Fix skills: Feral Rabbit Cry, Feral Puma Cry, Feral Orge Cry, Feral Bear Cry

Fix skill: Force of Nature

Fix skill: Second Wind

Developed: Recipes R-Grade data

Developed R-Grade items: crystalls, enchats scrolls, all types shots + added from GmShop

Added missing Dyes

Added: Unbind Scroll's (R/R95/R99 Grades)

Added: skills for R-Grade items

Developed quest: Follow Me

Developed quest: Come To Me

Developed a clan skill: Clan Un-debuff

Developed a clan skill: Clan Defence

Developed a clan skill: Clan Friendly

Developed a clan skill: Clan Boundary

Developed a clan skill: Clan Prison

Developed a clan skill: Academy Precept

Implemented learning clan skills for previous fixes + conditions update

For killing raid bosses will no longer be issued Vitality Points, according to ct3

Update: Jumps routes

Update: Reccomendation system, according to ct3

Changes to the system of upped lvl SA, according to ct3

Fix: Dual Class system

Update: Relations awakened skills data

Update: party packets

Update: Commission shop packets

Update: Commission Manager

Sub class system reworks

Update: Village Master Instance

Update: Augmentation data (new items)

Fix: Basic strokes

Fix bonus: Eyestudios Heavy Set, Hell Ligth Set




Update: Awakened Manager, small reworks

Implemented: Quests helpers

Implemented: base for Labyrinth of Belis

Added: missing ct3 NPC's data

In Blatsksmith printer is removed from the sale of the Academy Criclet, according to ct3

Added: new SA crystals

Added: R-Grade elexirs data

Small update: trade packets (sell/buy)

Update method: calculating Magic Evasion

Developed quest: Disappeared Sakum

Developed quest: Windmill Hill Status Report

Developed quest: Request to Find Sakum

Developed quest: Rebellion of Monsters

Fix Sigel Knight Class Skills:

Party Rescue

Ignore Death

Last Judgment

Justice Punishment

Shield Impact

Shield Wave

Superior Hate

King of Beasts

Chain Hydra

Chain Strike


Fix Tyr Warrior Class Skills:

Feral Skills changes

Giant Punch

Power Provoke

Lightning Disarm

Armor Destruction

Jump Attack


Fix Othell Rogue Class Skills:

Shadow Hide

Final Ultimate Evasion

Evasive Counterstrike

Shadow Dash

Angel of Death

Maximum Critical

Dark Paralysis

Shadow Chase


Mass Trick

Shadow Flash

Throw Sand

Throw Poison Needle



Power Bluff

Clone Attack

Death Clock


Fix Yuield Archer Class Skills:

Tornado Shot

Bow Strike

Quick Shot

Pinpoint Shot

Impact Shot

Recoil Shot

Multiple Arrow

Heavy Arrow Rain

Quick Evasion

Lure Shot


Phoenix Arrow


Quick Charge

Frost Trap

Final Ultimate Escape

Quick Fire

Mind's Eye



Fix Feoh Wizard Class Skills:

Elemental Spike

Elemental Crash

Elemental Destruction

Death Breath

Death Howl

Elemental Blast

Elemental Storm

Devil's Curse

Mass Devil's Curse

Ignore Divinity

Shadow Snare

Ultimate Body To Mind

Unleash Hell

Death Mass Unleash Hell


Update: Targeting system

Removed: Missing SSQ packets, code optimization

Added: conditions for Dual Class system




PvP Community Board: developed shop

PvP Community Board: developed next functions: buffer, services, events, class master

PvP Community Board: added conditions: may not be used in battle, at the olympiad mode & event active mode

Added: missing spawn NPC Vent

Added: missing new ct3 quests items

Added: missing new ct3 items

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: removed 3 vs 3 olympiad games

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: changes for schedule and order of battle

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: updated system selection of opponents are

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: R-Grade Hero weapons fixes & added for trade

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: Update Monument Of Hero functional

Olympiad changes in accordance ct3: award for heroes Hero Cloak

Fix: sending and receiving mail

Update: Server / Client packets

Fix: party searching packets

Fix: calculating drop bonus with Vitality system, according to ct3


Fix ct3 items:


Abelius Cloak, Sapyros Cloak, Ashagen Cloak, Cranigg Cloak , Soltkreig Cloak, Nabiarov Cloak, Leister Cloak, Laksis Cloak

Top-Grade Resistance Necklace's

Update: enchant routes for some skills (not details, sry =[)

Cloak of Honor, Mentor Ring


Fix ct3 weapons:


Bound Specter Cutter, Bound Specter Slasher, Bound Specter Avenger, Bound Specter Fighter, Bound Specter Stormer, Bound Specter Thrower, Bound Specter Shooter

Bound Specter Buster, Bound Specter Caster, Bound Specter Retributer, Bound Specter Dual Sword, Bound Specter Dual Dagger, Bound Specter Dual Blunt Weapon

Bound Seraph Shield

Bound Amaranthine Shaper, Bound Amaranthine Cutter, Bound Amaranthine Slasher, Bound Amaranthine Avenger, Bound Amaranthine Fighter, Bound Amaranthine Stormer

Bound Amaranthine Thrower, Bound Amaranthine Shooter, Bound Amaranthine Buster, Bound Amaranthine Caster, Bound Amaranthine Retributer, Bound Amaranthine Dual Sword

Bound Amaranthine Dual Dagger, Bound Amaranthine Dual Blunt Weapon


Bound Eternal Shield, Blessed Requiem Shaper, Blessed Requiem Slasher, Blessed Requiem Avenger, Blessed Requiem Fighter, Blessed Requiem Stormer, Blessed Requiem Thrower

Blessed Requiem Shooter, Blessed Requiem Buster, Blessed Requiem Caster, Blessed Requiem Retributer, Blessed Requiem Dual Sword, Blessed Requiem Dual Dagger, Blessed Requiem Dual Blunt Weapon, Blessed Immortal Shield


Fix Feoh Wizard Class Skills:

Death Fear

Mass Death Fear

Magical Evasion

Magical Charge

Devil's Sway


Fix Yuield Archer Class Skills:

Slow Shot

Time Bomb

Gravity Trap


Mass Bullseye


Fix Iss Enchanter Class Skills:

Assault Rush

Death Strike

Mass Crippling Attack

Mass Shadow Blade

Divine Cancel

Quick Escape


Quick Return

Angel's Resurrection

Healing Melody

Recover Melody

Horn Melody

Drum Melody

Pipe Organ Melody

Guitar Melody

Harp Melody

Lute Melody

Knight's Harmony

Warrior's Harmony

Prevailing Sonata

Refreshing Sonata

Blood Requiem

Angel's Touch


Battle Rhapsody

Crazy Nocturne

Celestial Aegis

Elemental Protection

Mental Protection

Crippling Attack

Shadow Blade

Mass Dark Root


Chaos Symphony

Ultimate Scourge

Ultimate Oblivion

Dark Root


Fix Win Summoner Class Skills:


Strong Will

Mana Sharing



Summor Barrier

Mass Exile

Mark of Fire

Servitor Balance Life


Fix Aeore Healer Class Skills:


Blessed Resurrection

Group Resurrection

Radiant Purge

Brilliant Purge

Crystal Regeneration


Power Of Saha

Critical Of Saha

Force of Saha

Speed Of Saha

Clarity Of Saha

Emblem Of Salvation

Resistance Of Saha




Developed quest: Tough Road

Developed quest: The Villain of the Underground Mine, Teredor

Developed quest: Developed quest: Precious Research Material

Developed quest: Infernal Flames Burning in Crystal Prison

Developed quest: Devils Strike Back, Advent of Balok

Developed quest: Walk of Fate

Fix: Proof of Fidelity

Fix: Base stats (minor fix)

Fix dialogs for NPC: Gray Pillar Member Filaur

Fix NPC: Fioren

Fix item: Beleth's Contract

Fix: Community Board shop

Fix stats for raid boss: Torumba

Fix stats for raid boss: Dopagen

Fix stats for raid boss: Balok

Fix stats for raid boss: Michaela

Fix stats for raid boss: Talicrome

Fix stats for raid boss: Veridan


Fix wrong skills distance use:

Tornado Shot

Bow Strike

Quick Shot

Ponpoint Shot

Impact Shot

Recoil Shot

Multiple Shot

Heavy Arrow Rain

Lure Shot


Slow Shot


Update: spawn data (new NPCs)

Fix dialogs for NPC: Fioren

Fix: Teredor Raid

Fix: Mammon functional


Fix wrong skills distance use:

Elemental Strike

Elemental Crash

Elemental Destruction

Death Breath

Death Howl

Elemental Blast

Elemental Storm

Devil's Curse

Mass Devil's Curse

Ignore Divinity

Unleash Hell

Death Mass Unleash Hell


Minor fix for: shots R Grade

Added R Grade shots to: gm panel trade and pvp-community board

Fix: problem with R Grade enchant scrolls

Added R Grade enchant scrolls to: gm panel trade and pvp-community board

Update: Pet's data skills

Fix: teleport menu (admin panel)

Fix: NPC Atran, to quest Backup seekers

Fix: Crystallization

Fix: removal of all (old-basic) abilities during the regime of Awakened

Fix: Museum stat page packet

Update: Olympiad system

Update: target packets


Developed new armors sets stats:

Immortal Heavy Set

Hell Heavy Set

Kadesh Heavy Set

Eyestudios Heavy Set

Immortal Light Set

Hell Light Set

Kadesh Light Set

Eyestudios Light Set

Immortal Robe Set

Hell Robe Set

Kadesh Robe Set

Eyestudios Robe Set




Changes terms to end academy, according to ct3

Changed max party size, according to ct3

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Devno

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Karonf

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Eleve

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Rinne

Added: new Soul Crystals (R\R95-Grade)

Update: Merchant Mammon trade list

Update: Vitality system, according to ct3

Update: Conditions for equip R grade weapons, according to ct3

Fix ct3 NPC's: Training Camp Soldier, Combat Soldier, Heymond, Rumi, Rotina, Bryo, Horpina, Selina

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Allada

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Marsha

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Inside

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Darrygon

Developed AI for Talking Island Npc: Rotina


Developed new GoD talismans:

Basic Talisman - P.Atk.Spd (Active)

Basic Talisman - P.Atk (Active)

Basic Talisman - P.Def (Active)

Basic Talisman - Casting Spd. (Active)

Basic Talisman - P.Def (Passive)

Basic Talisman - M.Def (Passive)

Talisman - Magic Critical (Passive)

Talisman - P.Accuracy (Passive)

Talisman - M.Accuracy (Passive)

Talisman - Evasion (Active)

Talisman - Magic Evasion (Passive)

Talisman - Critical Rate (Passive)

Talisman - Critical Evasion (Passive)

Talisman - Magic Critical (Active)

Talisman - P.Accuracy (Active)

Talisman - M.Accuracy (Active)

Talisman - Critical Rate (Active)

Talisman - Critical Evasion (Active)

Fix quest: Precious Research Material

Fix ct3 NPC's: Amer, Fairy Citizen, Horius, Toyron, Drill Sergeant

Fix ct3 NPC's: Bailey, Rubio, Moombasa, Dusk Searcher, Fioren

Added missing R-Grade items to GmShop and Community Shop

Fix: Trade Manager


Fix transofrmations 4rn professions:

Summon Royal Aegis

Summon Battle Scar

Summon Blood Tail

Summon Tempest Arrow

Summon Blue Phantom

Summon White Wing

Summon Silver Saint

Talking Island: Cleanup wrong spawns

Talking Island: Update spawn data

Update: c/s packets

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put some informations..damn you.

you're making a topic,putting 3 links and then you press 'ok'..why..dafaq?


put some features,the team etc,etc.Dont expect downloads if you wont edit your topic.

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