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Hello MxC,


Being an L2OFF developer for the past 3-4 years, im willing to share my knowledge with everyone that's still a Lineage 2 lover and wants to build/contribute on a decent L2OFF server.


As we all know Lineage 2 is pretty much dead, everyone knows how to play most of the classes, how to buff and so on. Nothing is really special anymore... how it was years ago and I am sure everyone can confirm that. Note, im not saying there aren't noobs still left, ofcourse there are but w/e, you get my point.


If we take a look right now at the Lineage 2 servers out there, i can't even find an decent server, most of them are JAVA's without feature and full of issues. (No offence for the JAVA fans, but L2OFF still remains the best, tho its harder to be modded but not impossible.)


The Ugly Present: "Waiting for L2Sublimity, playing atm on russians servers".


Now, about L2Sublimity, they did a good work, and they keep doing it, im not sure what to say about their "Final Server" will it be good? will it be bad? well, im sure it will work out and people will enjoy it, but i don't really want to go into this subject, tho i bet much ddos and issues will come and ruin the server after a while, but... hopefully not! So about L2Sublimity, i'll let you judge it.


About russian servers, well they suck most of them imo, all of them are using FredBr's extender which is not bad, but they just don't update it, everything is same on all the servers 100%, same concept, npcs, farm system with FA, and COL for donate, no global gatekeepers and that's all about russians.


So now that i told everyone my point of view about the current situation about L2, here is my idea about what i'm willing to ask. READ CAREFULLY!


Many of us know that Lineage 2 is a part of us, we played it for many years, we flamed, we made friends which are the most important part of this game and had fun aswell. The Lineage 2 community right now is a huge flaming land, but im sure everyone is cool and can be frendly and helpful if its needed for the sake of L2. Also, many of us are more and more busy with school, university or even work, so there is not much time left for playing, but still the desire remains of playing L2 when a little free time is available and have fun PVPing and flaming.


My Suggestion:

Group together and make a nice and stable server that should last for the next 5 years without issues, wipes or closing that will offer for everyone a fun place. Im really tired now to get more into details but, if anyone is willing to contribute and ally together for building a decent project, im up to it! All the ideas, suggestions and people are welcomed! Everyone is special and everyone can help here, everything is tolerated except flames, and childish attitude.



If we manage to get 100 people that are mature, willing to invest and spend a little time, im sure we can achive everything we want into this old and rusty game called Lineage 2. So for the sake of L2, lets make a nice project and see the results.


Thank you for reading, i hope i made myself clear, tho im very tired right now and maybe talked much bullshit up there! Peace fellas






No offence but im not sure if you have played l2jservers lately. I am not talking about Interlude l2j because all Interlude packs atm suck very bad. There are h5 l2jservers that are more successfull than l2off servers.


Also L2 is far from dead, only l2off  private servers are dying because they offer an old gameplay style. I personally love older chronicles (C3 to Interlude) but i think its time to move on.


Well, people wont really move on from the "oldschool", also i know about the H5 L2JServers that are pretty good, sadly few people have those files. But i was referring anyways to the Interlude servers.


You should learn to develop first before making such a statement.


Your at complete mercy of fr3d/kation - when you can open an interlude without them - then it's worth something.



I'll put my left nut down, on anything you do - is probably included if they buy fr3d/kation (Which they'll have to short of using a cracked pack).



Mcbigmac, you know why i see you one of the most stupid adult person on this forum? disipite you have some knowledge regarding to L2. You always talk like you know everything and its funny... do we know eachother? I doubt. So my first advice for you my friend is that you should never talk before having a clue about what you actually talk, because right now all you know is "FredBr + Kation". So next time please take your precious time and instead of posting here like a brainless adult, learn common things like "I should always think and have some knowledge about the topic/situation before i make SUCH A STATEMENT".


Hopefully, you get my point and learn how to act before trashtalk. Anyways no offence, peace.


I barely read.

Yet I still don't think it would work.


OFF or Java, barely matters. Java sources are stable enough nowadays. All these are to me and any other person with an actual understanding of what happens there in the code in respect to what's in the game knows by now that these are simply labels used to attract clueless people.


If you can make a good OFF server - by all means, good luck. I doubt you'll find many people willing to work with it though. It's hard as it is to find capable enthusiasts and hobbyists for a Java project.


Either way, that is not the reason why it won't work.

As zanter said, NCsofts servers are free. RU servers are free. They offer a complete "bugless" game.

There is nothing private server can offer in the state they are now. And by state I mean - community, interest, developement.


You talk about Java not having features. I am failing to understand by what you mean features.

I go to the server advertisement section and on every topic there is some random guy posting "nci featurds man", I scroll up and all I see is rates, rates, rates, oly, and oh, rates.

Not just L2j. L2off as well. Same with Sublimity.


Sublimity will last 1, 2 maybe at most if very lucky 3 weeks with a competent community.

It will be set up as a leveling race. People will PvE the sh1t out of the first weeks. Then once there is nothing left for the end gamers to do, they will start picking on the lowbies. By 4th week there will be a quarter of the original population left. It happens on every big server.


You WON'T make a stable server, which will last 5 years. No offense. It won't happen.


You can put enormous efforts into making a server as close as possible in comparison to what it was like years ago and it will still won't last more than 3 months. There is no mystical force behind that causes this, it's just natural - there is different interest now, people play at different paces. With different excuses, standards, mentalities.


Games in general are following this change. Player expectations are growing. Standards are heightning. It is simply one more thing to which we are growing beyond its ability to impress us. How many people are still fascinated by radios and TVs? You might think it's a silly comparison. They are nice to have, even to use sometimes. But WTF, doesn't everyone have a PC by now? A phone, tablet. Even these things are just whatever...


What exactly can L2 offer any more to actually keep us interested?

I like PvP. Can you make a server that offers competitive, non destructive PvP? How would you do that? Sieges? With 20 vs 20 people? Oly - I might as well play another 1v1 game. Events? Well, if you can have 80 players in one regularly. Open PvP? The game where a-beep-t of potions and a-beep-t of internet fanboys backing up with support classes win.


PvE is -beep-ing dull. No server I've ever been on this has ever been any better than a -beep-ing chore. I'd rather wash dishes, do the laundry, clean the house than try to faceplant F1 to kill a mob.


Sure you can say "Oh hai there, that's what L2 is about".

Well, L2 sucks then.


You either:

A)Address the actual problems, rather than simply setting up a server, paying for a machine and crossing your fingers, or

B)Move along.


Good luck.


Mcbigmac, you know why i see you one of the most stupid adult person on this forum? disipite you have some knowledge regarding to L2. You always talk like you know everything and its funny... do we know eachother? I doubt. So my first advice for you my friend is that you should never talk before having a clue about what you actually talk, because right now all you know is "FredBr + Kation". So next time please take your precious time and instead of posting here like a brainless adult, learn common things like "I should always think and have some knowledge about the topic/situation before i make SUCH A STATEMENT".


Hopefully, you get my point and learn how to act before trashtalk. Anyways no offence, peace.



Wow, you can't even write english. :D

or make 1 point.

Or defend yourself.


You just whine and tell me to not speak.

How about adressing my actual points genious?


Learn basic L2Off, before pretending to be someone.

The fact your don't acknowledge me, also shows you don't know who's left in the l2off scene, or how we began/evovled.


Meaning your a copy paste kid.

You can't even do AI.


Make this.

- NPC Gives 5000 adena to talker, if talker currently has Might as an active buff.

Simple, come on.


You should quit, you will never learn anything and your only damaging the precious little reputation L2OFF has left.


Please, i beg you.

Go to L2J - people are atleast expecting crap like this there.


KK you win. Mrbigfag you own meng. Congratz.


sandpants, i get your point and i agree on most of them. Tho, people will still continue playing L2 even if it looks "dead" when you compare it to the old times. But im sure a good project will work out. People will login from time to time and play around, pvp in the free time that they want to spend it playing.


About L2Sublimity, its already a failed server as i can see, since they wont be done with it by 20.04.2012.


KK you win. Mrbigfag you own meng. Congratz.


sandpants, i get your point and i agree on most of them. Tho, people will still continue playing L2 even if it looks "dead" when you compare it to the old times. But im sure a good project will work out. People will login from time to time and play around, pvp in the free time that they want to spend it playing.


About L2Sublimity, its already a failed server as i can see, since they wont be done with it by 20.04.2012.


So you'll quit trying to pretend your an l2off dev and stop trying to make bad l2off servers?


Else i've lost.



Tho, people will still continue playing L2 even if it looks "dead" when you compare it to the old times. But im sure a good project will work out. People will login from time to time and play around, pvp in the free time that they want to spend it playing.




PvP with whom?

Can't you see it's all very vague? Some people will PvP, other's won't. It's inconsistent.

Those that won't will be annoyed with those that do. They'll leave. Then the ones that PvP will follow cos there is nothing to kill.


Competitive PvP is NOT enough. It has to be PERSISTENT.

If one side loses even a single will to keep going, everything falls apart.


Having castles mattered. Controlling PvE zones mattered. Camping raids mattered.

What do castles do now? I mean like what does it give?

Why control PvE zones when what most admins do is leave retail spawn points full of blue mobs that give 6% per death on a server with 50 people online?


You don't feel something about this game?

Cos I feel it's empty.

Not dead, but empty. There is nothing to do, nothing to achieve, no fun to have.


Im playing ME3 MP. No PvP in that game. Ton more fun than any L2 server is ATM. Or likely ever will be.


You either present some ideas, or just drop this.

It isn't worth it. Even putting ideas on the table won't get you anywhere.


I already did it twice. Positive feedback on an idea isn't enough. You really have to push.


This isn't like beating a dead horse.

But it's still like having sex for 9 hours straight from mid night - you are tired, she is loose, your breaths stink and the only thing you worry about is who will be the lucky one to wash the bed sheets.


Good things either have to be taken in small doses, or they just have to end.

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