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Kalimera paidia! exw katebasei to superhero k subtitles alla den kserw pws na ta enwsw wste na yparxoun mesa stin tainia .. ean kserei kaneis as m pei ! Thx


xreiazese BSplayer

Afou to katebaseis kai to kaneis install anikse tin taineia p 8es kai pata deksi click[mesa sto plaisio tou Bsplayer]

Pigene stin epilogi "Load Subtitles" kai psakse to meros p tous exeis apo8ikeusi kai pata ena 2click pano tous


P.S:s esteila tou Bsplayer pro se PM se periptosi p dn to exeis


Kalimera paidia! exw katebasei to superhero k subtitles alla den kserw pws na ta enwsw wste na yparxoun mesa stin tainia .. ean kserei kaneis as m pei ! Thx

Sou proteinw na vreis kai na katevaseis to GOM Player...Einai to kalutero programma gia subtitles kai video...Katarxas paizei oti video arxeio theleis kai episis enswmatwnei kai tous upotitlous sou...Tha s steilw link se PM...Ean theleis help rwta me file ;)

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