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as i remember it was a very good server. There were 2 server 45x and 10x. we played mainly on 45x as a clan (real life friends) and we were in an ally called DeathIsEternal (D!E)..we had all castles.. we dominated where there were more then 4k++ ppl online...but ofc that was at the end of c3 (summer 2005) in september they upgraded to c4 we played there for 2-3 -beep-ts more and we left (our clan KarantanijaSLO) coz 80% of the ppl quit l2... after 2 years (in 2007) my brother started to play there again and he said that it is impossible to keep up with the community if u dont donate and he left again for good. (our c3 itamz had no value).


1 year ago i was fascinated to give it a try myself and i spammed their forums etc and i was told by the OLD players from the forum that it is mostly impossible (but not impossible) to play there as a totally new guy and i will have to farm for 2-3 -beep-ts to even compete a little with the community (mostly donators which donated 1000+ USD)... So take a try if u want but u will soon realize that is not worth...


There was a rumor they will wipe but i guess Dosmac (is he still head admin?) does not want to wipe it.


Dont get me wrong. L2Elite was great back in the days.. it was the server that could compete with l2Extreme and one more but i dont remember the name anymore...

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Old times from elite rulz.

Tebi?No way you spanish noob!


elite was and will be the best c4 off server.

About others that say: elite is difficult,elite has+29 bla bla bla..

We are about 1k in sieges,500 in varka and aden is for private stores.

About the people who say omg he has +22 omg what can i do? Items don't make the player.. I am sps without special items and i use siren+cov i sleep him,cansel and i kill him..

Now kids that don't want to xp and farm hard to take items just go play a crapy custom server and have items overchanted..

Elite sucks, true story.There used to be people that actually knew l2 there but everyone left... and the kiddos that used to beg for buffs are considered pro now.Not to mention that it's full of brs/args/grs only.You can't sleep a guy with Valakas lol.Not to mention if he is an overbuffed archer with full rb jwls and +24(average enchant on server) bow focus you won't even get the change to cast the sleep or even see where did the arrow come from.My last months on elite were just for olympiad, because everything else sucked.I got 2 heroes and quit.


@Fuers Indeed you need a lot of money to just be equal with 50% of the server... but about dosmac the head admin well he wasn't the head admin back in the days... it was him and thinlan(the one who actually worked on making a better elite)dosmac's job was to give out donations which it turned out it was pretty hard for him even now he has a guy doing donations.Dosmac did almost nothing about that server.But yes atm he is head admin.

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Tebi?No way you spanish noob!

Elite sucks, true story.There used to be people that actually knew l2 there but everyone left... and the kiddos that used to beg for buffs are considered pro now.Not to mention that it's full of brs/args/grs only.You can't sleep a guy with Valakas lol.Not to mention if he is an overbuffed archer with full rb jwls and +24(average enchant on server) bow focus you won't even get the change to cast the sleep or even see where did the arrow come from.My last months on elite were just for olympiad, because everything else sucked.I got 2 heroes and quit.


@Fuers Indeed you need a lot of money to just be equal with 50% of the server... but about dosmac the head admin well he wasn't the head admin back in the days... it was him and thinlan(the one who actually worked on making a better elite)dosmac's job was to give out donations which it turned out it was pretty hard for him even now he has a guy doing donations.Dosmac did almost nothing about that server.But yes atm he is head admin.

ye i cant remember all the admins gms that were there back in the days but ye thinlan do sound familiar
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elite isn't custom LOL

BTW there are many players playing elite and as regards the mens with the mens with the+25 yes there are 3 or 4 with+25 but when we started pvp i sleep him,cansel and kill him :D

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yeah elite isn't wiped.. and it continues after so many years to keep more players playing :D

fuers: Admin is Dosmac and there are: GMTipsy,GMFreak,GMSighz and GMSlinn (thinlan got fired before 3 years lol) :)

GMTipsy and GMSighz are looking at the server, GMSlinn handles donations and GMFreak makes events..

яoвεят: yes there are some that have full rb and db+24 sa but not everyone lol..there are people who have+3..


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quote: " on what world to you live? allmost all players have overenchanted weapons and full armors and jewels and epics and all got 24++ weps, not "some" like you say, so stop creating fake impressions about the server, server is dead atm with gr/br kids that they they cool just because they full buff from aio from town and teleport and go 1-2 hit they kill some1 and after they get killed and go again town and aio buff and repeat same shit. Elite it's not anymore what it was, now it's full of overenchanted items and new players don't stand an chance and don't tell that you sleep and kill him. Even if you sleep ( 1% chance ) and you hit him after, you will hit him like 400 dmg and he will give you an arrow on 8k in your dc ( or armor custom +4 ) or 20k m.crit and to village. Also there are some edited chars with edited skills ( don't tell me that the aren't becuase I saw some while I was in some clans ). So conclusion: don't waste your time there ( and MONEY ). "

end of quote

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yeah elite isn't wiped.. and it continues after so many years to keep more players playing :D

fuers: Admin is Dosmac and there are: GMTipsy,GMFreak,GMSighz and GMSlinn (thinlan got fired before 3 years lol) :)

GMTipsy and GMSighz are looking at the server, GMSlinn handles donations and GMFreak makes events..

яoвεят: yes there are some that have full rb and db+24 sa but not everyone lol..there are people who have+3..



"Look there are are people with +24 but you must not forget there are also people with +3!"


Your retarded.


Who the fuck cares if there are people with +3?

There are TONS of people +25, cause they donated THOUSANDS of dollars.

Aka, they won't leave the server cause they can't get it back.


The server barely has gm's active, barely correct updated patches.

Nothing has happened in god knows how long time - cause they can't do anything.

(Because dosmac is a bbanhammer equivelant - probably worse actually.)


The ONLY reason you'd defend it, is if your one of the donators who's invested god knows how much monetos over the years in it.


You might wonder why everything went to a standstill when thinlan left ;)

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elite isn't custom LOL

loled hard...its an epic custom server...with uber donates!wake up!!!do u think ppl in this forum are stupid?Elite is really old server and every1 knows what it is...thats why new ppl dont join there.

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loled hard...its an epic custom server...with uber donates!wake up!!!do u think ppl in this forum are stupid?Elite is really old server and every1 knows what it is...thats why new ppl dont join there.


omg man custom is java with custom areas,custom items like shitty epic,custom weapons,custom jewls custom wings lole

Elite is official with no shitty customs

about 50 people are with+3 and you can win s+12 sa from event or you can farm 3kkk buy s+15 and do it+20 with 10 euro...

btw i play with+3 and i have 2k pvp's from killing donators so..

if someone believe items make char then he is no l2 player..

PS: elite has still 2k players and not like a stupid custom shitty server with 10 people  lol

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