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#    Aio Buffer System      #


# Enable / Disable Name Color

AllowAioNameColor = True

AioNameColor = 88AA88

# Enable / Disable Title Color

AllowAioTitleColor = True

AioTitleColor = 88AA88

EnableAioSystem = True

# List of Aio Skills

# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln

AioSkills = 1085,3;1304,3;1087,3;1354,1;1062,2;1005,3;1243,6;1045,6;1048,6;\









# Aio Buffers can use GK?

AllowAioUseGk = false

# Aio Buffers can speak to Class Master?

AllowAioUseClassMaster = false



#        Balance Your Server's Classes          #


# Attention! Users.

# If uses values <= 0.9 Damage --".

# If uses values >= 1.1 Damage ++".


# Ex: value = 0.5, -50 % of damage.

# Ex: value = 1.0, damage normally.

# Ex: value = 1.5, +50% of damage.



#        Dagger Classes          #


DaggerVsHeavy = 1.00

DaggerVsLight = 1.00

DaggerVsRobe = 1.00



#        Archer Classes          #


ArcherVsHeavy = 1.00

ArcherVsLight = 1.00

ArcherVsRobe = 1.00



#        Blunt  Classes          #


BluntVsHeavy = 1.00

BluntVsLight = 1.00

BluntVsRobe = 1.00



#        Dual Weapon Classes          #


DualVsHeavy = 1.00

DualVsLight = 1.00

DualVsRobe = 1.00



#        Fist Classes          #


FistVsHeavy = 1.00

FistVsLight = 1.00

FistVsRobe = 1.00



#        Sword Classes          #


SwordVsHeavy = 1.00

SwordVsLight = 1.00

SwordVsRobe = 1.00



#        Pole Classes          #


PoleVsHeavy = 1.00

PoleVsLight = 1.00

PoleVsRobe = 1.00

Flag Protection System      #


AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK = False




#    Custom Siege Period      #


# Make Siege Every Week?

# Default: 14 Is Every 2 Weeks

SiegePeriod = 14



#    Party Duel      #


# Party Duel #

# Default Coordinates : Coliseum

# Party Duel Spawn X

PartyDuelSpawnX = 149319

# Party Duel Spawn Y

PartyDuelSpawnY = 46710

# Party Duel Spawn Z

PartyDuelSpawnZ = -3413



#    Enchant Hero Weapon        #


# Special Enchant Hero

# If set to true and your weapon enchant = EnchantLvl

# You are awarded with with hero status BUT only when the weapon equipped!

EnchantHero = False

EnchantLvl = 0



#    Custom PvP & Pk Reward System      #


# Costum PVP/PK settings

# Costum pvp/pk message

# after pvp: "Good fight,enemy pwned:)"

# after pk: "Nice kill!You are so dangerous!"

AllowCostumPvPMessage = False

# Pvp reward system

AllowPvpRewardSystem = False

# Pvp reward itemId

PvpRewardItem = 57

# Pvp reward amount

PvpRewardAmount = 1

# Pk reward system

AllowPkRewardSystem = False

# Pk reward itemId

PkRewardItem = 57

# Pk reward amount

PkRewardAmount = 1

# Allow the default PK system(+1 pk,+karma)

UseDefaultSystem = True

# Allow costum pk system (pvp point for pk,no karma)

# UseDefaultSystem need to be False!

UseCostumSystem = False



#    check Skills On Enter      #


# Check and delete unlegit skills on EnterWorld 

CheckSkillsOnEnter = False


# List of Skills that are allowed for all Classes if CheckSkillsOnEnter = true    #


AllowedSkills = 0



#    Custom Killing Spree System        #


# This script will announce if player is making a spree kills

# Ex. Player: PlayerName Is In Killing Spree. With 5 Kills.

# Enable Feature ?

QuakeSystemEnabled = True



#    Hero & Noblesse Custom Item        #


# Hero Custom Item

# This item will make the char hero untill he restart

HeroCustomItem = False


# Id of the item

HeroItemId = 3481


# Noble Custom Item

# This item will grand the char with noble status

NobleCustomItem = False


# Id of the item

NobleItemId = 3480



#    Custom Starting Tittle        #


# Custom Starting Title

# This Will Set A Custom Title To The New Chars

# Default: False

CustomStartTitle = True

CustomTitleText = Welcome



#    Custom Fight Stats        #


# This script will make the PvP/Pk stats at the player title

# Ex. PvP: 44 | PK: 44

# Default: False

CustomFightStats = False



#    Limits Attack & Casting Speed        #


# Maximum Attack Speed 0

MaxAttackSpeed = 2000000000


# Maximum Casting Speed 0

MaxCastingSpeed = 2000000000



#    Exp & SP Award System        #


#Exp and SP Award System

# 0 Is by Default!

AddExpAtPvp = 0

AddSpAtPvp = 0



#    Custom Starting Level        #


# Allow custom starting lvl default:false

AllowCustomStartLvl = True

#Custom Start lvl for 80 lvl and 100% put 81

CustomStartLvl = 80



#    Custom SubClass Options          #


#Custom lvl when player add new subclass

#min = 40 max = 80 dont put more

#default = 40

CustomSubclassLvl = 80

#How many level will be the character after the sub class?

MaxSubClass = 6



#    Custom Starting Spawn        #


# Set true for custom spawn location. !!!If True you have to change the Spawns!!!

CustomSpawn = false

SpawnX = 1

SpawnY = 1

SpawnZ = 1



#    Custom Starting Items        #


# Allow custom starter items?

AllowCustomStarterItems = True

# You must allow custom starter items!

# Usage: id,count;id,count;

CustomStarterItems = 3470,1;



#    Custom Hero System By Kills        #


# Enabled Hero status for kills? (Default: False)

HeroStatusForKills = True

# Kills (PvP+PK) for Hero Status (Default: 20)

HeroStatusForKillsCount = 20

# Death for removed Hero Status (Default: 2)

DeleteHeroStatusDeathCount = 2



#    Anti-Walker        #


L2WalkerProtection = False




#    PvP & Pk Custom Color        #


# Each Amount will change the title content and color to the values defined here.

# Example: PvpAmount1 = 20, when a character's PvP counter reaches 20

# their title color and content will change according to the ColorForAmount value.

# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.

EnablePvPColorSystem = True

EnablePkColorSystem = True


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 1.

PvpAmount1 = 0

PkAmount1 = 0

ColorForAmount1 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 2.

PvpAmount2 = 100

PkAmount2 = 100

ColorForAmount2 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 3.

PvpAmount3 = 150

PkAmount3 = 150

ColorForAmount3 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 4.

PvpAmount4 = 200

PkAmount4 = 200

ColorForAmount4 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 5.

PvpAmount5 = 250

PkAmount5 = 250

ColorForAmount5 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 6.

PvpAmount6 = 300

PkAmount6 = 300

ColorForAmount6 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount6 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 7.

PvpAmount7 = 350

PkAmount7 = 350

ColorForAmount7 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount7 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 8.

PvpAmount8 = 400

PkAmount8 = 400

ColorForAmount8 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount8 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 9.

PvpAmount9 = 450

PkAmount9 = 450

ColorForAmount9 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount9 = 00FF00


# Pvp Amount, Title & color level 10.

PvpAmount10 = 500

PkAmount10 = 500

ColorForAmount10 = A8A8A8

TitleForAmount10 = 00FF00



#    Augmention Settings          #


# These controls the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process

# Retail: 15, 30, 45, 60

AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15

AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30

AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45

AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60


# These controls the chance to get a Base Stat Modifier in the augmentation process

# Note:

#      No dependancy on LS grade

# Retail: 1

AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1


# These controls the chance to get a glow effect in the augmentation process

# Note:

#      No/Mid Grade Life Stone can not have glow effect

#      if you do not get a skill or Base Stat Modifier

#      On Retail you can not get glow effect with NoGrade LS

# Retail: 0, 40, 70, 100

AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0

AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40

AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70

AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100



#    Potions        #


#Disallow Potion In PvP

PotionItem = 1000



#    StuckSub Server System (Multiskills)        #


# With this option you make your server from PvP To Multiskill System

# This means that every subclass you will do the skills will stuck from the

# Previous Class and will not leave.

# Sub stuck

SubStucking = False



#      Over Enchant      #


# Protection against Corrupt GMs!

# This protection will ban both GM and Edited character

# if a GM tries to enchant a NON GM player above the below value.

EnableOverEnchant = False


# Attention:

# Do not use values smaller than the settings EnchantMaxAllowed

# Ex: EnchantMaxAllowed = 25

# Use values equal to or greater

# GMOverEnchant = 26

GMOverEnchant = 65535



#    Max Enchant Limit        #


# EnchantMaxAllowed is if any player has bigger enchant gets banned.

# EnchantMax is what max value can be put by scrols.

# Attention:

# Not use values larger than the setting GMOverEnchant

# Ex: GMOverEnchant = 26

# Use values less than or equal

# EnchantMaxAllowed = 25

EnchantMaxAllowedWeapon = 65535

EnchantMaxAllowedArmor = 65535

EnchantMaxAllowedJewelry = 65535



#    Stuck Hero Skills        #


#Hero Skills on Sub

AllowHeroSkillsOnSub = True



#    Anti-Heavy System            #


# Daggers,Archers,Fists Can't Wear Heavy Armors!

# Enabled/Disabled

AntiHeavySystem = True



#    Blow Skill Rate        #


BlowFontRate = 50

BlowSideRate = 60

BlowBackRate = 70



#    Offline Trade System          #


# Option to enable or disable offline trade feature.

# Enable -> true, Disable -> false

OfflineTradeEnable = False


# Option to enable or disable offline craft feature.

# Enable -> true, Disable -> false

OfflineCraftEnable = False


# If set to True, name color will be changed then entering offline mode

OfflineSetNameColor = False


# Color of the name in offline mode (if OfflineSetNameColor = True)

OfflineNameColor = 808080



#    Donator Custom System        #


# Donator Name Color Enabled?.

DonatorNameColorEnabled = True

# Donator Color Name Selection.

DonatorColorName = 00FFFF

# Donator Title Color Enabled?

DonatorTitleColorEnabled = False

# Donator Color Name Selection.

DonatorTitleColor = 00FFFF



#    Scroll Of Escape Prot        #


#Allow Soe In PVP

AllowSoeInPVP = True



#    Anti-Dual Box System          #


#Dualbox Configuration

AllowDualBox = True

AllowedBoxes = 2



#    Anti-Farm System        #


#Anti Farm System

AntiFarmEnabled = False


AntiFarmParty = False

AntiFarmIP = False

AntiFarmClanAlly = False


AntiFarmLvlDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30


AntiFarmPdefDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300


AntiFarmPatkDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300



#    Bow Protection System        #


#Disable Bow for classes: write here classes id

#that you dnt want allow to use BOW. Class id examples,

#you can find others into char_templates database table


# classId className

# 88 Duelist

# 89 DreadNought

# 90 Phoenix Knight

# 91 Hell Knight

# 92 Sagittarius

# 93 Adventurer

# 94 Archmage

# 95 Soultaker

# 96 Arcana Lord

# 97 Cardinal

# 98 Hierophant

# 99 Eva Templar

# 100 Sword Muse

# 101 Wind Rider

# 102 Moonlight Sentinel

# 103 Mystic Muse

# 104 Elemental Master

# 105 Eva Saint

# 106 Shillien Templar

# 107 Spectral Dancer

# 108 Ghost Hunter

# 109 Ghost Sentinel

# 110 Storm Screamer

# 111 Spectral Master

# 112 Shillen Saint

# 113 Titan

# 114 Grand Khauatari

# 115 Dominator

# 116 Doomcryer

# 117 Fortune Seeker

# 118 Maestro


# e.g. DisableBowForClasses=107,110

DisableBowForClasses = 0



#    Anti-Bot (Captcha System)        #


# Captcha System

# When someone login,a random text will dissapear.Right correct the word and after you can still playing

EnableCaptchaSystem = False



#    Ally & Clan Crest        #


# Show clan, alliance crests for territory NPC's.

# Default: False

ShowNpcCrest = True





  • 2 weeks later...

i have a very stable freya back and protected against bots about 80% lots of customs and lots of features...but if u want to trade this with me i dont want the pack, i want ur workspace so i can continue or fix inner core , for more detalies pm me on this id lostprophet2689@yahoo.com

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