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classic [L2J] L2Phaedra x1000 WIPED ITS ONLINE!! JOIN NOW!!!!!


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Server Die? 35 ppl lol.I think server losed many ppl about Disconnects,And Raidboss ressspawn time. I  have much friend i ask them they told me raidbossresspawn time 5 days fail etc:)

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Hello Phaedra's Members,


We hope to not be forced to give such a message any time or at least not too soon, but I'm here with a message not too nice (at least for me), L2Phaedra will be closed (temporarily I hope) for the problems listed down:


1. The biggest problem until now: DDoS (In the future to ensure that we take a dedicat with better protection.)

2. Another important problem (not so important as the first): Freezing in game (We lose a lot of players for this fking problem)

3. An equally important problem: Discconects in game!


These are potential problems which the server L2Phaedra will be closed.


Now to tell you what will be rebuilt/added in new project:


1. Protection against DDoS.  (This will be the first priority)

2. Gameplay will be reworked. (Adding more stuffs)

3. Increasing balance on class.

4. Increaseing server stability.

5. Add More special bosses for raid tokens land low the respawn time for them to 8 H  (Special Raids Only

in other words we will make the server more enjoyable)



However a lot of messages will appear as the server is fail and maybe indeed it is but not because of our (server was very limited budget 120E) but also because of people who are envious of our success. However pack will not be changed because it was presented quite well (except for some small problems,in the future will not be).


Thanks to all players who still support us but also those who envy us!

I hope to hear well in the next server try!




The L2Phaedra Interlude Server Team

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L2Phaedra team began to rebuild the server since yesterday and we hope to finish the job soon!

Icon History

Added: add.png | Fixed: fix.png | Reworked: warn.png | Removed: delete.png | Important: imp.png

General Updates

11.04.2012 - 12.04.2012

[16][CORE][DP] - Posted by: Teddy

    imp.png Intro page changed,now looks like a timeline.

    add.png Fully implemented Party Matching (Party Room).

    fix.png Fix Skill Update Visual Bug when EnterWorld..

    fix.png Fix problem with castle guards.

    fix.png All Debufs Fixed! Magnus Chant Stats Fixed.

    warn.png Organize Imports.

    delete.png Deleted double minions for Core AI.


More Updates Soon!

Website / Forum


L2Phaedra Team

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Quote from FORUM!



I created this topic to find out your sugestion about PvP Zone, so tell us what area you prefer and why!



Zone which will be mentioned for the most part will be chosen as PVP ZONE!




L2Phaedra Team

What PvP Zone do you want?

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Icon History

Added: add.png | Fixed: fix.png | Reworked: warn.png | Removed: delete.png | Important: imp.png

General Updates

15.04.2012 - 16.04.2012

[17][CORE][DP] - Posted by: LeXneR

    add.png Added: Special Rb For Clan Reputation Points     

    fix.png Fix Summoners Classes.

    fix.png Fix Some Cardinal Skills.

    warn.png Reworked Blow Skill Types

    warn.png Reworked P.Def System

    warn.png Reworked Balance On Classes

    warn.png Reworked Farm System

    warn.png Reworked Special RB (drop/Respawn ) 

More Updates Soon!

Website / Forum


L2Phaedra Team

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everybody,


It's been a while since I did not put any information available about server progress and the reason is simple, haters.I want to let you know that the server works were successfully completed.Everything that we have proposed to fix, we fixed. Now we would just have to be opened the server and see the results of work.


I'll return later to announce a date for the big reopening.


Topic will stay unlocked but please do not make spam cuz i will use my VIP privileges.


L2Phaedra Team

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