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interlude [l2j] Lineage 2 Vendetta


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1.Gl with ur server

2.I think the max +20/+25 is 2 big( my opinion)

3.Hmm  tell me how one server can survive without money?

+w8 until see the donate list...


Ty Dude!

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+25 is to big... i dont wanna play starwars,i want to play lineage 2,and how do u think after one week of start new player will come and he will be killed hundred times by player with 20+ weapon and armor... and  he will quit and your server will be soon empty...80 buff slots is fail!  This is pvp server and i dont wanna farm all day for enchants, if is "pvp" that means no farm.. pvp is player vs player and pve is farming and killing rbs... Why people dont think a little before they open server??

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Ah come on, how hard would it be to come up with your own server name? Idk about others but kinda makes me wanna puke when and if you try to use another name just to get some players... Just make up a name of your own, even a lot of other GR/BR servers that fail do...So if you wanna create something that will last atleast do that.

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Ah come on, how hard would it be to come up with your own server name? Idk about others but kinda makes me wanna puke when and if you try to use another name just to get some players... Just make up a name of your own, even a lot of other GR/BR servers that fail do...So if you wanna create something that will last atleast do that.


Keep Spaming

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah come on, how hard would it be to come up with your own server name? Idk about others but kinda makes me wanna puke when and if you try to use another name just to get some players... Just make up a name of your own, even a lot of other GR/BR servers that fail do...So if you wanna create something that will last atleast do that.



L2Vendetta is Private Name? o_0 Ohhh Kids this is not copy of L2-Vendetta

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