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Freya has 4 params.


You might wanna read up on


and how it uses the 2nd argument.



Since you've made an extender and all.


..Now geuss why i'm asking for it dumbass.




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Im not using Freya, I dont need the 4 parameters.


And btw im not ofending anybody, and you are not keeping the respect with me even if I were correct with you all the time. I think you should get some education instead to rage-posting at forums.

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You do need 4 params, because your a dumbass that think the effect has functionality it doesn't.


Wow your quiet, when you realized that huh?


No skill crit for you :c

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You do need 4 params, because your a dumbass that think the effect has functionality it doesn't.


Wow your quiet, when you realized that huh?


No skill crit for you :c


It has. maybe not on freya, but it has on they way I modded the gf scripts.

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Continue lying. the only thing that you are getting is yo bump my post.


I modded final scripts to fit epilogue changes, I didnt moded l2server to parse Freya Scripts or support Freya parameters for skills or skill effects, I didnt modded l2server to parse Ai from Freya, I dont need it to that purpouse, I understand that you are working hard to make your Full Freya OFF, thats not the same, so stop to confuse ppl, at the end they gonna log in, and they gonna find that Crush of Doom have critical chance, or gladi Skills critic more than on final, they will be able to enchant traps,etc.. and this is what matter.


If you are a c++ freak, and you have a lot of knowledge I respect it,is good, ppl need to know but stop to be a Kid.

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No they will not.


Cause GraciaFinal skill effects(that changed in epilogue) don't have support for critical chance.


So they will not see a difference on crush of doom.


But thats another one of your small bs lies, such as your "Extender".


Why don't you show some code instead of keep it up and ignore my questions?


you haven't really answered anything except keep repeating yourself.



"Did you have sex with that woman Mr.President?!"


deja vu :O

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Yes they have not support for critical chance becasue everybody know that on gracia final you cannot make critical skill hit with gladi or tyrant ones...........sure.. you just have to compare a bit scripts from Freya with Gf ones to understand where is that info.


and Btw Words are useless, log in and check it.

END of the discussion, keep my post clean.

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triple slash lvl 1 - gf script:

effect = {{i_p_attack;517;0;1}}

triple slash lvl 1 - freya script leak:

effect = {{i_p_attack;517;15;1;0}}


Your right tho, lets just add 15 from Freya script to crush of doom, as second arg.

It's 100% the same data - meant to be read the same way!


You cannot increase the chance, ironicly with your setup

they wont crit at all, since param 3, disabled that ;)


goodjob numbnuts.

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why did this ever get down to such a semantic retardo argument over skills, I find the issue that this guys uber custom extender is actually advext to be much much more entertaining.

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triple slash lvl 1 - gf script:

effect = {{i_p_attack;517;0;1}}

triple slash lvl 1 - freya script leak:

effect = {{i_p_attack;517;15;1;0}}


Your right tho, lets just add 15 from Freya script to crush of doom, as second arg.

It's 100% the same data - meant to be read the same way!


You cannot increase the chance, ironicly with your setup

they wont crit at all, since param 3, disabled that ;)


goodjob numbnuts.


Why are you so mad yo? Strong nerd raging going on bro.


Making a fool of yourself bro lol ,  taking this game way to seriously. It's time for a vacation.

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