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[Help] Want to start playing WoW

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What build are you using with lock for pvp? Tips for good guides? I've never really played a lock - only for s short time in private servers when I was using "learn any spell" exploit.

sl/sl spec or sl/des


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What build are you using with lock for pvp? Tips for good guides? I've never really played a lock - only for s short time in private servers when I was using "learn any spell" exploit.

im play sl/sl spec or sl/des

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  • 2 months later...

guys.. i wanna start playing wow (private servers) i played wow before i started playing lineage2 c3.


so what do i need to know ? what are the best classes ? best pvp ? gold guide ? leveling guide ? a short guide if u guys have i would be truly greatful.


thanks in advance!



should start with a server like 15x


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well... i dont wanna start with very high rates... i wanna see the game and learn it first.. what will you recommend ?

I recommend you:

http://www.wowscape.net/ :)

I play WoWLegion (Sub-Server on wowscape)




Look at that OMG 6k ppl on each server

(WoWStorm u start 70 lvl so it sux

no1 plays it have GM Shop with best items it sux :D)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

guys.. i wanna start playing wow (private servers) i played wow before i started playing lineage2 c3.


so what do i need to know ? what are the best classes ? best pvp ? gold guide ? leveling guide ? a short guide if u guys have i would be truly greatful.


thanks in advance!




on most private servers, rogues/elemental shaman/arcane+frost mages are overpowered because of bugged skills or because their counter class has non working bugged skills. the best pvp is in arena if u like small scale team vs team pvp, with only objective to kill each other. if u like 10vs10 or 15vs15 and want to have objective like capture the flag or capture bases, than battlegrounds is the pvp for u. to make gold i suggest u take proffesions like enchanting or mining or other gathering proffessions like skinning because u can loot the mats and sell them for bigger profit. also endgame everyone buys enchants for their epic gear, so if u have enchanting proffession u can provide them enchants for gold. for leveling u can download joana's leveling guide(horde) or idemise's leveling guide(ally). usually i play undead and these are the areas i level in:



tirisfal glades (1-10)

silverpine forest (10-20)

hillsbrad foothills (20-30)

arathi highlands (30-40)


these areas above are all connected so it was ez, now that ur level 40, fly back to undercity and take the zeppelin to ogrimmar, run down to tanaris (make sure u get flight paths on ur way)


tanaris (40-50)


go back to undercity and go to western plaguelands


western plague lands (50-56/maybe57)

eastern plague lands (56/57-60/61)


now u must go to outlands, so take zeppelin to stranglethornvale and go north to duskwood, east to deadwind pass, east to swamp of sorrow, south to blasted lands, in blasted lands u will find the dark portal that takes u to outlands


now u will be in hellfire peninsula, u can do some quests there for thrallmar/falcon watch to hit level 63 or 64

next to west to zangarmarsh if ur not 64 yet, maybe do some quest there

south to nagrand, here u will level to 68 or maybe more

if u still need some more exp to hit 70 go east to terrokar forrest (visit shatrah, its main city in outlands) and keep going east to shadowmoon valley, there in shadowmoon village u can find some ez quests to make u hit 70


attention: pay attention to flight paths, make sure u dont miss them because if u need to go back to a place, ur going to have to walk back :X

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Well i played my priest for 2 years, did all WoLTK content and i must say it's an awesome class. Recently i tried a disc priest and it rox in pvp. Used to be shadow during BC but eventually respeced to holy. It's a lot of fun during raids, and everyone looking for healers anyway.

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