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interlude [L2OFF] L2Balance


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Seems a nice server, although you should buy a new website. (if you got money to host the server and to get money then you got money to do that too)

Good Luck

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Just create a new one and will be perfect, your server seems enough professional of course the hard part is to prove what you're saying/promising in game but I hope you'll manage it.

Good Luck once again.



P.S Just tell me this: Where have you find this template? (Website)

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Everything is perfect :) Very nice till now but can you tell me where is info about enchant rates safe / max etc ?


P.S : Hope you gonna put it up soon hehe

"Enchants: Definitely no star wars, max weapons enchant is +12, armor +8, enchant chance is 50%, 35% from 9-12"

check the 1st page again :P

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