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Awaiting some answers


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What did happened with my account "MiddleMan" that it got banned and secondly what happened on it since december when all my accounts have been hacked untill now. Awaiting some serious answers, thank you.

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Yes, I thinked of that too because when I logged on my paypal account I saw some transactions and some transfer of money from my account to another one and I opened dispute but nothing happened.



No, who is he?

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So you joined back then under some proxy and now you claim that your account got hacked. That's how it looks to me. Plus, if your account got "hacked|, its not Maxtor's fault. If you cant take care of your account feel the consequences.

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So you joined back then under some proxy and now you claim that your account got hacked. That's how it looks to me. Plus, if your account got "hacked|, its not Maxtor's fault. If you cant take care of your account feel the consequences.

So you came on the topic just to "troll" a bit like you allways did on this forum, don't you ? And regarding to your affirmation, I'm not using or ever used any proxy ever so how about you go back in your spam topic and do what you do best : spam

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So you came on the topic just to "troll" a bit like you allways did on this forum, don't you ? And regarding to your affirmation, I'm not using or ever used any proxy ever so how about you go back in your spam topic and do what you do best : spam


I see that you cant stand to listen the truth.

And regarding to the spam offence, dont do it again son go and cry in the bath cuz your brain was frozen for few months and you came back after 1y to solve your "hacked account"


You cant blame no 1 for this situation also the account will stay banned,so


Topic Locked. (next time dont loose your head son)

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