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Attilas Custom Shop(ingame -->Zeronimo Custom Shop)


v.1Dynasty Weapons/Armors/Shields Epic Armors


v.2 addition to v.1 Lifestones 70/76 Mid/High/Top Grade,Consumables,Scroll of enchants,Dyes +1 -1/+2 -2/+3 -3/+4 -4


v.2.1 added to consumables wooden arrow and delete from consumables enchant scroll s grade and face lifting potion


v.3 addition to the before version added : Quest items sections with many popular items for quests,Shots section with soulshots/spiritshots/blessed spiritshots/beast soulshots/spiritshots/blessed spiritshots,Fishing soulshots,Crystals Section D,C,B,A,S Grade crystals,red/green/blue soul crystals -->stage 1-13,Added magic/battle symbol,einhasad's holy water,phoenix symbol and walking scroll to consumables section


Remember the only and only original shop made by me is here in this Topic


fully compatible with lightmagik's preconfigured pack --> http://rapidshare.de/files/39139522/Preconfigured_IL_Pack_by_lightmagik.rar.html


download if you want all credits to him for the pack


if you want the shop for other pack


give me the ids of your dynasty weapons/Armors/Shield and Epic armors and i fix it for your pack


P.S. i had a problem with adding epic shield.

P.S.2  V.4 coming soon


Also If you have installed sql of the v.1 already the only thing you need to do is download v.2 shop and replace the multisell and html in your merchant folder and multisell folder ;)


Special thx to killer_07 for his guide for making custom shops -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2407.0


My first shop i would like you people to rate it . ;)


the shop files here -- >http://rapidshare.com/files/108914124/Attilas_Shop_V.3.rar.html


run the sql from navicat

add the xml files into multisell of your data folder

add the html file into your html/merchant folder


after you do the above 3 steps go in game and type //spawn 135455


any suggestions are welcome ;)


Nice Share ^^ As Far As I Know, Epic Masks / Shields Cannot Be Sold On A Shop On L2JOneo Cause They Are Not "Compatible" Thats Why You Didnt Make It...



Anyway Thx Again!


@tzrcryp 100 did you put it on the pack to see if it's working ? i wanna be sure it works fine before i go to v2 ;)


@vent00za if you need to change the ids tell me i can do it for you if no it's ok :P



btw about quest items guys suggest some items cause i don't know by heart all quest items that are common needed or anyone who has a personal suggest for his needs :P

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