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Seriously, I've carried so many games at bottom and won with cait BUT NEVER WON AGAINST A FUCKIN' GRAVES.


His passive is so fuckin' OP.At minute 10 his armor reaches 100 just with a doran's blade and boots.

His damage is so fuckin' huge and most of all HIS ULTI.

Seriously, it's either me that have no idea how to handle him or he's OP for real.


Fuck this

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I usually counter every graves I have as an opponent with vayne...

Unless he get fed by jungler/support or sth..


True. (If you get some kills+decent cs you'll be fine)

But bleik is right graves is a beast and sivir as well.

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vayne WAS counter pick to graves til her nerf.Vayne cant outfarm his Q after 10-15 minutes of farming since graves has AoE skills + AS and Vayne is Single target hitter.


counter Graves with caitlyn-sona/taric or sivir

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Cmon guys i believe there is no op carries , i believe that the strongest carry is corki but he is too underated anyway no op champs just a bit easier to play than others.

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Cmon guys i believe there is no op carries , i believe that the strongest carry is corki but he is too underated anyway no op champs just a bit easier to play than others.

ask me
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Many champions are considered as OP but they are not. Very few are really OP and Graves is not one of them. If you know how to counter him(all champions) there won't be a problem.

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Many champions are considered as OP but they are not. Very few are really OP and Graves is not one of them. If you know how to counter him(all champions) there won't be a problem.

Every champion has a counter enemy pick, so, there aren't OP Champions at all? And why nerfs are coming? You wanna say tha Graves isn't OP? I'm saying that Graves is OP if you know how to play him and not if you can't counter him. Is a different thing.
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