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interlude [L2OFF] Lineage 2 Fusion


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If server was good why close at 25 days? pfffff just to obtain donates and after no reason to keep it..i know server which are live 6-7 years and this 25 days max stop spam now and say the truth i cannot believe that someone continue to tell this server good when closed at the first days of opening

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If server was good why close at 25 days? pfffff just to obtain donates and after no reason to keep it..i know server which are live 6-7 years and this 25 days max stop spam now and say the truth i cannot believe that someone continue to tell this server good when closed at the first days of opening

You are badly informed.

You are a simply hater.

Your english is retarded.

Get lost you dont know shit.

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You are badly informed.

You are a simply hater.

Your english is retarded.

Get lost you dont know shit.


cry moar...server was a fail..now is dead..you are a gm friend or something like that,but this server has 250 ppl online and at 20 days closed because has 20 ppl why all these ppl left server ? because was good ? stop spam more..

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I don't know about Outlaw, but I can tell you I am not a "gm friend" or know him in any way lol. I just don't want this guy to get all this shit thrown at him without any defence, he created an amazing server that failed ONLY because it pretty much got crowded by 2 BR-zerg allies that made a hella lot of people rage quit because they were immature as fock, and as soon as those 2 allies left the community went all like "Amagaad server is die no pepul onlinezzzoer" Which made even more people quit, so stop that faggot hating of yours and give this guy a shot to open another server and I wish I could give him more cred for the server he made.

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Noone said the server "must" close just because the 2 allies left, they left simply cuz of another server, which made the rest of the community think the server would die and created a rumor so players simply left. It's not my opinion, and what you're saying is neither, you're giving out false information that you pretty much seem to wanna call facts...And your rep proves me right that youre simply just a hater. Did you even play there?

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i was playing at fusion from the grand opening..but after i realise that this server created for easy and fast money and i left..check some previous posts to see if i predict or not the closing..before ''these 2 allies left'' ! also you have 90 posts..i must say thay you are a bot account?

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how about once and for all u stop arguing redmanftw?? server was great 99% of the ex community can prove it and i guess we pretty much proved it with our replies. what u told about the server? arent u the guy who spam every single topic about how the servers are fail and all is lost, run for ur lifes etc... ppl like u ruined the server. and then the sheeps who followed every single shout ppl made.

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answer me please if server was exellent as you say why closed after 20 days? /fail

Answer : Big "clan" left because there was no competition, after that every other major clans left, that caused the server to die, server didnt failed due to corruption or any other bug/exploit reason, laylow dood you dont know anything.

Server was pretty cool.

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Haha, Red"man" ofcourse you're " right " about your little prediction...CONSIDERING YOU PREDICT IT FOR EVERY SERVER OUT THERE!

Oh, and I'm really sorry about me only having 90 posts...I guess I am the only one that started at 0 and haveto work my way up even tho I might not be the most active member. Can't be that hard reaching 2k + when all you seem to spend your day doing is critisize and " predict " ...

Sorry for offtopic <.<

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