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interlude [L2J]L2Fame


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Wipe yet, not ready yet ffs. Dont even got all skills on every class.


Did 5.2k dmg  with 10+ bow 0 + tts jewels 0+ drac set ( without cat buff ) on mages.


Full archer and bishop server.


Fix it before you open it, you just failed a big population server.

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Servers is on beta stage since appeared many problems,so if you liked our concept but you got nervous from bugs,you still can help this project and have a good interlude server to spend your time by reporting anything you have or even suggest your own ideas.


It was a bad start ye,but what stop us to make it an awesome server?

Hope you will be a part of it,cheers.


@ http://l2fame.net/forum/index.php?topic=122.0

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My Opinion about L2Fame

Frankly L2Fame did not seem like a server maded by people with experience,looks more like a server maded ​​by some childrens. Server seems even weaker than those made by beginners. What I do not understand is how some people so experienced can made a server like that (LOLZ)? Seriously now, I expected the grand opening to be 200+ Online Players and a great server without bugs and problems,but it happened exactly opposite. Anyway bad point from staffers and from aCis team! ;)


Things I do not like

1. The title from chars is white (very ugly),how hard it was to change color from white to original color (lime blue)?

P.S: If you dont know how to change PM me!

2. I do not like the fact that classes are not balanced. (You know what i mean)

3. In Global Chat is not spoke in English which means International Players are not Welcomed.

4. MOBs from Start Zone I can kill easily with F1 (Attack) than with Skills! (I talk about mage class)


This is only my opinion,please do not take it as a curse on the server!




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Servers has many noob problems ye and this caused from somewhere "else",can't explain my position really.

If you have to blame someone ,blame us not aCis.


1.This is how supposed to be as far as i know.

2. Something strange made with class balance,can't explain again since it's complicated,but i can balance them so fast and i will.

3. We can't do anything about it,you know the players. You can talk on whatever language you want.

4. That's not actually true.


Happy to see a constructive reply at least.

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4. That's not actually true.

ofc it is...u deal more damage with 1 hit with bow(no crit) than 6 hits with dagger and the skills not working at all...that's the reason that i left i hope u will fix them gl.
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@Teddy have you see FighterBoss or Justice to say the server is fine with no bugs? Of course has bugs. The server is too new.

And what about the 2.5 months preparation ?
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