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in many cases i agree with the above.east bot(carry-support) suck so hard!


i hit 1161 from 1100 ;) i tried new combinations on my own :D (hybrid jungling akali/gp mid/janna solo) hopefully it turned good for me :p


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1. Never picked what team needed. I would always pick what I could carry with. (8/8 and 11/11 wins with Nocturne and Amumu respectively when I reached my previous rating.)

i agree with this. but if you take a pick that its random for your team, all will start raging and trolling and you will lose, again (!)
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i have to say somthink about east/west

when i try to play a game at east i do at mid 10-1, top do 0-8 , bot 0-9, and i eventually lose

i played  2 games at 1550elo with a frends acc at west, i pick graves

i did 6-0 bot lane and 3-1 bot lane second time

first game my team was 0-1 mid 2-1 top

second time 1-0 mid 1-1 top



in west in both of 2 games the 2 teams at top bot was same skill

in east one team(or a lane)is by far BY FAR better than the other


there is big diference between west and east, better try to reach 1400 in west ;)

why dont you join west then'?
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There is an example from a ranked game that I played yesterday




26 games and 1600+


ehmmm :/


first 10 games are +40-50 elo after them 2nd 10 games are +20-24 elo and then u get only +12 +13


that guy was lucky on 1st 10 games ;D

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offtopic, hehe I love how you black your name in the stats overview and forget to black it out on the top right corner :P


You'r not even close,he used the black blur because he wants to hide a name (which actually is not his name LMAO)

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