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Sejuani the Winter's Claw

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i was watching the lol wiki and i saw one upcoming hero:





your opinions?



she has same building style like fizz... also she has 2 slows and 1 aoe stun... seems legit

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they keep giving fail asian-alike names to champions...(ahri,sejuani,wukong) in queue from other fail names on champions like volibear,graves(his first name Malcolm is far better than his surname),gangplank,twisted fate,tryndamere etc


they need someone to decide names T.T

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I am pretty sure that he ll be OP at the beginning(for obvious reasons) but he ll be nerfed,but still nice :D


That's your impresion (Every new champ for you guys is a OP champ although he's not)

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they keep giving fail asian-alike names to champions...(ahri,sejuani,wukong) in queue from other fail names on champions like volibear,graves(his first name Malcolm is far better than his surname),gangplank,twisted fate,tryndamere etc


they need someone to decide names T.T

forgot the lee singer
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they keep giving fail asian-alike names to champions...(ahri,sejuani,wukong) in queue from other fail names on champions like volibear,graves(his first name Malcolm is far better than his surname),gangplank,twisted fate,tryndamere etc


they need someone to decide names T.T


Sejuani was about to be released last year, and is supposed to be Ashe's sister. Personally, I thought that she was cancelled, but seems like she's getting released.

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