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[Suggestion] Custom Creatable Groups


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Hello.Here's an idea (dunno if it's achievable).


How about Custom Groups.It's a theory in which a member could create his own Custom Group on forum.And here are the advantages:


-Custom Userbar

-Custom Section into Custom Groups Board.

-The creator of the Group has Moderation privileges only into his Group's Section

-You could think some more.


Of course creating a Custom Group should cost a lot.Lets say..hmm..500 Euros?The price should be high so not everyone could create his own group.And mentain the rarity and the special status of creating a custom Group.


Custom Groups can be sold of course to other members if they're already created.The leader (can be multiple) of the Group should be able putting a password for his Group so people of his choise can join the Group.


You can of course add a few more ideas.But I think it's a great "money-incomming" and forum upgrading idea.

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500 euro for that? No way dude. Personally I wouldn't even give 50.


If this  (which actually is) a popular forum then trust me, a few people would do that.But of course each group could have its theme.For example a group of hackers, designers, coders, middleman traders etc.


Not everyone could create his own group.The one who would create that, could make a profit out of it.For example he could ask for a fee before joining his group. ;)

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maybe would be better if the groups was free to made them except of its cost... and as others said, noone will give 500 $ to make a group where is something usefull, on the other hand to make a group it's just like to have your fans/friends there...

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I already answered to many people ofyou in my above post.You could make money out of creating a group simply by allowing members to join it (and have the Group Privileges) just by paying a small price.


@~Eternity™~ Of course I do.I've made 200Euros in less than 2 days through internet and yes, if there was such an option, I would have used that.

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