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Lineage II Allstars - PvP Substack Race Only


Alright so it's finally time to do the update.


This will take a while because we're adding a bunch of stuff into the main server so the server will be down and we have no ETA (we will how ever get it done tonight)


Here's a few of them, the rest can be seen in changelog.




Substack system has been renewed!


You can now only have the base stats of your base class.


How ever, if you create a retail subclass, and substack it, then you can switch base stats between them.


So be careful what class you substack on your "Main" class because that's the base stats your character will always have.


All substacks has been deleted, how ever everyone who was substack has gotten 1 or more (depending on how many substacks you had) book of regeneration in their inventory.




Antharas & Valakas are Fixed!


We have rebuilt Antharas and Valakas completely, they now work as they do on retail without any problems.




Protection added!


We have gotten new and awesome protection against any kind of bots & dualboxers.

You can now only run 2 clients per machine.




Dances/Songs, now 4 minutes!


We had a lot of people complaining about songs/dances so we figured we'll boost their durations 100%.



Achievement System!


A new cool feature for L2 Allstars, there is a new NPC in Giran that will give you rewards if you have what it takes for it, it might be a minimum of PvP points or perhaps you need to have become Noblesse in order to get the reward.


This will get players to PvP more and also make it easier to achieve Event Coins



AIO Buffers are now available!


We added AIO buffers since you can now only run 2 clients per machine.

AIO buffers costs 500 donation coins for 6 months.


AIO Buffers are characters with all buffs, dances, songs, chants etc. They also have customized durations,


Songs & Dances: 20 minuets.

Prophecy of Water/Wind/Fire, Blessing of Queen, Gift of Queen/Seraphim, Chant of Victory, Magnus' Chant: 6 minutes.


AIO buffers can not leave town or be teleported anywhere... basically all they can do is be in a party, and buff.



And many more fixes/changes/adds came with this update, please check the changelog for more information.









LIVE FEBRUARY 18th (6pm) GMT+1!!!! Join our forum for further information






We offer you a chance to experience a new Lineage 2 Interlude PVP server that will satisfy your PVP hunger for good!


Just because our target is your pvp experience, you can count on that we always keep every class balanced, update with new fun ways to pvp and always respect every new player like it's our one million customer.

This is one of a few servers that are made for everyone, yes we accept donations, that's how we survive, how ever nothing is impossible for non-donaters to achieve.

You can get custom weapons/armors by collecting Stars, which can be crafted, get from events and killing raid bosses. And also, if you're afraid of over enchanted weapons, don't, max donate enchant is +12 and will always be!


We run Lineage 2 with the Interlude (c6) client. And our staff is picked out by the head admins of this server which can guarantee you that you will get the support that you need, anytime.


Website: www.L2Allstars.net


L2 Allstars founder is Dorian, from Sweden. He basically does everything apart from coding the hardcore l2j files. He developes the website, forum, takes care of server fee’s, advertising, designings and  more.


L2 Allstars developer is mogo, from Lithuania, he’s the one fixing all the bugs, developing new and fun engines.


L2 Allstars Head Game Master is Mayki, from Turkey, he’s in charge of hiring new Game Masters, teaching them how to act and also be the head host of the big monthly events.



L2 Allstars is a Substack Race Only server, but what does that mean? And how does it work?


When you become level 76 and you have completed third job quest (free), then you can start looking out for 2 raid bosses that spawns every 3rd hour.

The 3 raid bosses are:


Antharas Priest Cloe - Level 78 (Lair of Antharas)

Bloody Priest Rudelto - Level 78 (Lair of Antharas)


These 2 raid bosses drops a magic book called The Book of Regeneration.

This book is the key of adding a class in your own race as your substack, which makes you able to use the skills of both classes.


You can never choose a class that is not in your race.

But you can still do the retail subclass quest, and use The Book of Regeneration on your "retail subclass".


The Book of Regeneration can be sold, dropped and destroyed, but it will disappear once you use it.






    Exp: x45

    SP: x45

    Adena: x300

    Drop: x1

    Safe Enchant: +3

    Max Enchant Armor: +6

    Max Enchant Jewel: +6

    Max Enchant Weapon: Unlimited (Max enchant donate for weapons = +12)


Configuration & Other:


    Buff Slots: 24 + 4 with divine inspiration skill

    Working Interlude skills

    Working Olympiad (Custom items can not be used in olympiad for a somewhat fair-play)

    Party matching

    GrandBosses works like retail except all are lvl 76+.

    Spawn protection

    Reworked mmocore with some extra filters for every known attackers.

    Fully augumentation system with lower chance of passive/active skill.

    The best Interlude geodata & pathnodes

    Offline shop system

    Unlimited weight limit

    Automatic skill learn

    Working Siege engine

    Retail Buff Durations!

    Low level pk protection

    Wedding system

    Dual boxing is allowed


Custom things:


    Free class changer on ALL job quests

    Potion System

    Star System

    Player shop with all grades of unsealed armory and weaponry with SA, miscellaneous, dyes and more

    Event shop with nice prices that can be earned by winning events

    Farming areas - Monastery of Silence & Lair of Antharas

    Mana Potion (healed over time)

    1 Custom armor set which you can get from doing events, raiding or crafting.

    Custom weapons (SA after +4) which you can get from doing events, raiding or crafting.

    We run atleast 3 events per day: Team vs Team, Capture the flag and Death Match.

    We also run 1 big event every month where there's 3 winners, bigger prizes.

    .away & .back commands


    And much more!


Join us!


Open Beta starts tomorrow:


January 6 -2012

13.00 (1pm) GMT/UTC+1  (Amsterdam, Berlin,Paris,Stockholm)

Patch will be released 30 minutes before, during open beta, accounts are automaticly created.

exp rate is x9999 first week of open beta.


Free items will be in a shop in Giran where you can buy Stars, Adena, The Book of Regeneration.


Things that HAS to be tested during open beta are:


    Baium Quest

    Valakas Quest

    Subclass Quest

    Noblesse Quest

    PvP Balance









L2 Alistar? Will it be L2 Akali , L2 Soraka Aswell? xd

Joke .



Good Luck dude with the server.


First of all, your joke doesn't make sense, since we're ALLSTARS not ALI.. jokes on ur bad reading.

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