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interlude [L2J]L2 Perseus !!!


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I decided to low the power of Passive augments. From 15% power to 10%.


I added 2 Scarlet van Halisha Raids on PVP Zone, so there will be the PVP from now!


I added Donator Band( Custom stats) on drop to Halisha.



Drop chance:


Tattoo lvl 5 Mage/Fighter= 25%

Special Band Chance= 30%



Have fun ^^  www.l2perseus.com

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are you sure about that?i close the previous l2 perseus server pro servers,15 y/o admins corrupt 100% i have admin char in the previous server and admin dont knows it..also now at this server i have stuck subclass char paladin/archer/evas saint..and admin sleeping!

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Previous server is previous server. No need to bring up stuff from there in this server's thread/state. Post a screen of you in the server (including character and background, name can be blurred) with stuck skills to prove it D:

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Redman, can i see the prooves ?? With your multi skill char? =))) little bastard. If u come with acusations, come with proves, or  i will proove you are just a kid who's too bored with his life :)

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*Added 2xScarlet Van Halisha as Special raid with nice drops:


*Tattoo lvl 5 has a 25% drop rate (Mare or Fighter)


*Donator Band- A special accessory with custom stats has 30% drop rate.


*You can find the raid in 2 places, on Pvp zones and on Bosses area from GK.


*Worked on class balance so now the classes are more balanced than before.


*Added Antharas Lair and Varka Silenos as Pvp Zones.


*Moved start zone/ level zone to Elven Village.


*Lowered the passives power to 15% so donators power is a little lowered.


*The price of custom Armor and Weaopns are more accessible, so a faster farm.


*Added spot 1 and 2 to Farm zone 1 and farm zone 2.


*Reworked alot of skills.


*Deleted Dinasty armor and Epic weapons so first armor is Seraphim. To lower the farm.


*Recruted a new Gm named KIDutz to hold events and to watch players.


*I make double price on auto Events.


*The monsters have a bigger drop.


*Added Anti Buff Skill to all classes.


*Vote coin can be exchanged in Misc Shop!!!




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  • 4 weeks later...
WWW.L2Perseus.Com<---- you have this url to your topic and the server's name is scarface... wtf??? Edit your topic's subject with the real Name of your server....
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WWW.L2Perseus.Com<---- you have this url to your topic and the server's name is scarface... wtf??? Edit your topic's subject with the real Name of your server....

Maybe because he open new topic with new server name?

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