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hi pedia. signomi gia tin enoxlisi eimai kenourgios sto maxcheaters ka ieipa na kano kai to proto topic. vsk asxoloume me l2 kai exo kai diko mou server alla tora teletea exo ena mikro problmataki kai 8a xriasto ti boi8ia sas. Lipon ego 8elo kapia dika mou npc kai 8elo na ma8o pos ftiaxno dika mou npc  :) ama exete tin kalosini kante ena post na me help euxaristo poli. :D


des to guide !! sou deixnei pws na kaneis trade gia tattoos !! k allazeis oti 8es esy !


koita apla ftiaxneis ena sql (gia paradeigma pare ena ... an thes alla3e tou id/type/hight/radius ktlp...

balto me execute batch file sto navicat , kai meta an thes na einai shop ftia3e kana multisell me basi auta pou exeis idi sto pack sou , episis an einai gatekeeper bale kainourgia ports (pare ena sql teleport kai bale tis syndetagmenes , epita balto me execute batch file pali kai tha paei sta teleports ... meta pare to goto kai balto sto teleport pou exeis dimiourgisei apo to 70002/7077/(kai alla)... gia buffer einai sygkekrimenes odigies...perneis to 9999_NPCBuffer kai to bazeis sto gameserver/data/jscripts/custom/meta anikathistas to init_py kai grafeis :

__all__ = [









print ""

print "importing custom data ..."

for name in __all__ :

    try :

        __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1)


        print "failed to import quest : ",name

print "... done"

print ""


auta panw katw...!


des edw ena diko m


Loipon .... gia na baleis buffer ... 8a sou exei 1 sql file ... anoigeis navicat meta patas stin DB s logika l2jdb meta patas deksi click execute bath file .. briskeis to .sql tou buffer.. patas diplo click 8a sou fortwsei k 8a s pei [Msg] Finished - 2 queries executed successfully to 2 den einai aparaithto .. mporei na s pei k 5 .. meta 8a sou exei ena .htm file .. to perneis .. kai to bazeis sto gameserver/data/html/default/ ekei mesa kai 8a sou exei ena file jscripts gia interlude k scripts gia kamael 8a sou pw kai tis 2 ekdoxes ...

1)Kamael , perneis to script logika 9999_NPCBuffer 8a sou exei .. kai to bazeis mesa sto gameserver\data\scripts\custom ekei antigrafh to 9999_NPCBuffer (to 9999 einai gia tin buffer pou exw egw.. gia esena mporei na einai diaforetiko ean exeis alli buffer i ean to exoun allaksei) meta pas

gameserver\data kai psaxneis gia to scripts.cfg to anoigeis me notepad kai psaxneis sto telos gia # Custom kai bazeis meta to teleutaio pou exei to custom/9999_NPCBuffer/__init__.py des edw pws 8a sou einai ..


# Custom











2)Interlude 8a sou exei to idio ena 9999_NPCBuffer (to 9999 einai gia tin buffer pou exw egw.. gia esena mporei na einai diaforetiko ean exeis alli buffer i ean to exoun allaksei) to perneis kai pas gameserver\data\jscript\custom ekei to kaneis antigrafh kai meta anoigeis to __init__.py pou briskete sto custom fakelo .. kai bazeis to '9999_NPCBuffer' ws last grammh des edw pws 8a prepei na einai


__all__ = [







print ""

print "importing custom data ..."

from data.jscript.custom import *

print "... done"

print ""


Twra gia to GM Shop , 8a sou exei 2 .sql files ... kaneis to idio me ton buffer ta kaneis excecute stin db sou .. meta 8a sou exei ena .htm i polla file to opoio to pas sto gameserver/data/html/merchant ekei to kaneis epikolisi ... Prosexe .. mporei na sou exei k kati .xml arxeia ta opoia mpenoun sto gameserver\data\multisell ekei!!


Global GK , 8a sou exei k ekei 2 .sql files ... kai kaneis to idio me ta parapanw diladi execute stin db sou ... meta 8a sou exei ena i polla .htm files ta opoia ta bazeis sto gameserver/data/html/teleporter epikolisi ekei


pistebw na boh8hsa Good Luck !!


koita w8 pare auto

Gm Shop

pare to sql p exei(san arxeiaki p einai ) exei 2...ani3e navicat ...na exeis etimi tin database ... pata de3i click panw sto name tis database sou kai pata execute batch file...bres ta 2 sql(ta 2 arxeiakia pou sou eipa prin!) kai kanta execute ...

wraia twra to npc kai to shop list exei mpei ... pare to arxeiaki html kai balto gameserver/data/html/merchant

wraia here we are ... episis pare ta multisell pou exei auto to .rar pou sou estila kai balta sto gameserver/data/multisell

kai eisai ok!

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