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[L2J] L2Revolution 10/01/2012 Between 18.00 - 21.00 GMT+2 You Ready?


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Videos are just videos they are far away from the truth. I hope the best for this server even if my experience tells me it's not gonna be alive for many months.


actually they r many ppl working on this. if it "fails" it will be from ppl saying they dont like new staff etc etc (and after that they bitch l2 is boring and wish some changes couls happen)

by talking to members of the team the gameplay is closely related to the story, unlike normal l2. this has to be intresting.

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WoW !! Its really amazing to see that people wtih passion still exist in this game. Before i go into pre-reviewing the site and the ideas, a quick word to that russian rat, @dev:


"Кодекс тебе в задницу приятель. Бесполезные коммунистические свиньи, у которых нет культуры в производительности не могу говорить о cultular инновационных творений. "


Now to the serious staff:


The site looks quite good, beautiful and detailed descriptions about all the custom features. Actually there are no custom features, this is a completelly new game based on the lineage 2 ( heavily moded ) client.


I'll review in detail the features as posted in the site later since im evaluating them atm. But as a first verdict, through my experience as custom coder too i believe that if they manage to balance and present all these features in the right way, they will make a very worth-playing server which may bring even developers back to playing the game :)


More will come soon.


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Player's satisfaction.

Our main objective is the player's satisfaction. We want you to enjoy this game. We want you to feel good with this game. We want you to enter in the Lineage world to fulfill your fantasy. We'll make this possible for you with numerous new features, never seen before in Lineage 2, worked on with devotion and care. The game will be updated daily so that nothing will be left to chance.

Everything, new or old, will be transparent and explained in detail. We won't let you wonder in vain looking for something that's not there, or looking for something so hidden it can't be found. L2 Revolution will offer you adventure in a mythical world where you can travel from your room in another time and dimension, in the beautiful world of Lineage.


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Epochs (ages) are great changes which happen in specific times, touching Lineage II's entire world.

They are created to bring dynamism and new objectives for every player without touching their personal stats.


Every player can change the development of the episodes of every epoch. The players will live unique adventures during the different epochs. For example:

Protecting a city by different invasions.

Facing unique and epic monsters which give unique rewards that last forever.

New PVP classes.

New racial skills.

New PVP skills adapted to the epochs etc.


The main satisfaction of the epochs will be avoiding the monotony tasted in other servers.


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You played Lineage 2 for long time but you are bored of same servers? Unbalance , Corrupted Staff.

L2Revolution Is Here

More Than 300 People Waiting

From 3 Hours Of Creating Our Facebook Page We Got 460 + Like 

Balance, Is our main work we (AI-Games) are here for bring it balance that u never saw beffore.


We have decided that there will be no in-game GM in L2 Revolution. This is done so that there will be no private privileges and no corruption form whatsoever as it usually happens in all private servers.

Join us today and u wont be dissapointed.





Facebook Group: L2Revolution

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Just one more failed and full corrupted server hosted by Ramms.  :)


so far it doesnt seem like there will be any corruption at all.


Why bother creating all this stuff and then being corrupted? greek kids are mad I guess


same goes for you. how do u know there is going to be corruption?


just some trolling i guess.

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