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Brawl Buster - Open Beta


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Anyone else gave this game a try? I must say, i usually get easily impressed at the beginning of every open beta, all the freebies, players swarming the servers etc. I always think "heck! this game has potential." and it usually ends up dead but this game takes like 3-5min to download and install(no joke!) so why not give it a try? I guarantee you will have fun.

They kinda need players and i need referrals xD. I said it and i'll say it again, its worth the 5min.



It has the art of team fortress 2 and S4League gameplay(kinda).


You get to choose from 5 classes (Boxer, Firefighter, Rocker, Slugger and Blitzer) and as you level you get to unlock and change them as you think it fits the map/team. At level 11 you get to have all the classes unlocked.


The items are permanent, something i always disliked about fps/tps, shop items always had an expiration date. BB has them permanent :)


Items don't have any stats on them(yay!) but they do make you look different and you can enchant them for a bit of stats. Weapons have different skills, nothing big tho.


You can choose between single player, co-op(zombie mode), Free for All or the always present Team Deathmatch and some twist of DM (i think, never got the hang of it). Around 7-8 maps working for every mode.


I have absolutely no lags regardless of what some say . You can choose between EU and US ig and i can play with little lags on US but no lags on EU. So don't let that scare you!


For a game just out of closed beta, i have to say...its awesome.

The only game this fun that i played before was S4 and Battlefield Heroes

If you want to play, i suggest you go for the whole Single Player. You get some nice exp and at the end you will know how every class works. Will help you decide what class to choose next and ofc how to counter the pesky classes. :P


Trailer: Brawl Buster Teaser Trailer

Kinda sad they have so little advertising :( The game really needs players . Oh well.


Enjoy mxc and welcome back.

/imout :P

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Never played rakion but from my knowledge that is more like gunz and a bit more pve-ish right? Cant really compare it. :P


This is just a lobby based pvp game (zombie mode is the only pve ig) like most fps out there. ;P

Ever played TF2? Its something similar just not that team based as team fortress 2 and way smaller maps.

Cant explain better then this but i promise, the installation and download is really fast. So give it a try, nothing to loose. I only get referral points when you reach level 5 so i'm not trying to make you join just for that ^^



Someone asked me via pm and i thought i should answer them in here too. Maybe someone else has similar questions in mind :)

"Is like fps games?" Something similar, still lobby based like fps but more unique when it comes to classes and maps


"Also lvls have so big role?" Not a big impact, you just get to unlock all the classes on 1 character and all the things you see in the list i linked in my first post.

Other then that, nothing big...I can easily kill a level 20 with a level 1. The only difference, level 20's get unlocked ranked games(not released atm) and from level 8 to 11 you start getting new weapons unlocked in shops. New skills(4 in total for each class, not much. 2 for each weapon. Different combinations) and new looks :P



I really want to see new players around. :[ They really need it.

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