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With this feature party's/players can easily find party.



  • 1. Party Leader or alone player writes ".findparty"
  • 2. Message with party info, current players in party appears for all in configured radius.
  • 3. Player clicks on [?] and automatically sends PM with his class/level to party leader.
  • 4. If leader clicks on [?] too hes automatically added to party.






  • Enable/disable Feature
  • Message radius.
  • Message expire time.
  • Request expire time
  • Flood protect for those messages.



  • 23€ Paypal.



  • MSN: x.midnex@gmail.com
  • Skype: x.midnex
  • Personal message here.


What i suggest u to do is:

make leader choose what levels and type of classes he want to his party, and only if player which write .findparty and pass conditions of party leader, then message will appear to him, otherwise there will be huge spam when many ppl will use this.


I can do it for u if u want :) for free ofc


What i suggest u to do is:

make leader choose what levels and type of classes he want to his party, and only if player which write .findparty and pass conditions of party leader, then message will appear to him, otherwise there will be huge spam when many ppl will use this.


I can do it for u if u want :) for free ofc


Nah, it will not spam much bcos of radius, small server - big radius, big server - small radius.


by radius u mean for example that leader who is in rune wont be able to see message from player that is in Giran?


by radius u mean for example that leader who is in rune wont be able to see message from player that is in Giran?


You have just reinvented the wheel. And it turned out square. Native party matching simply destroys your mod.

Yeah, but who uses the native system?

My system much more simple, and more effective.



jesus... whats the problem to teleport on high rates? i think u have choosen worst way to resolve problem :/


YesYeah, but who uses the native system?

My system much more simple, and more effective.

Who doesn't use it?


AOE'ing in FoG at 4 a.m. and the bish wants to go to sleep? No problem! Open up party matching and you have a perfect replacement in seconds (due to global visibility, class-based candidate sorting, level restrictions). Convenient as hell if you ask me.


Anyway, i made it for my server(pvp), it worked awesome at events, and general, so who will need it will contact me.

And yeah its not the discussion for "who how plays".


If someone will be interested in buying i will mod it for their needs.

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