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[Exploit]dupe for server with ~500online


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_l2.ariagaming.com Final PTS x4-x7

http://s56.radikal.ru/i152/1110/bf/3fd190268484.jpg = ~20min


for open file,you need WLC Media Player


for fast sell,you need summoner with summon or warsmirh with trader golem(with golem you can make 1kkk for 5-10min),or you can fishing in heine,near weapon-armor shop or grocery store,make 1.9kkk items and put on the ground items(not all!) and after pickup->go to npc for sell(dwarf's high lvl can pick up 120k+items)

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dupe key's=

1st char give trade to 2nd char

1st char have 3 or more event key's

2nd char click confirmed

1char transfer 2key's(but not click ok!),or more,need that you have only 1key

1st char cancel trade and give trade to 2nd char->click OK(with transfer 2keys)

after 1st char drop 1key to ground

2nd char confirmed trade->1st char confirmed trade

we have unlimited key's

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