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[Guide]Spawn Custom NPC on server Start

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This is my first guide, its show but I think can by useful,


1. Create a NPC you can use the first step of http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145076.0


2. Enter in the table spawnlist and add one row, put

    -Location: location of your npc for example (dion16_2022_01)

    -count: count of npc put 1

    -templateid:the id of your npc 

    -locx,locy and locz are the coordenates of the npc

    -The other fill with 0


3. Restart your server, and the new npc will be there =)




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why not to spawn them with //spawn command?

anyway and this way should work but i prefer the other 1 ;)


Thanks for the guide man , keep sharing

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