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1. Story

2. Introduction

3. Pros & Cons

4. Summoner Spells

5. Masteries

6. Runes

7. Skills & Skill Order

8. Item Build

9. Jungling

10. Mid/Late game & Team fights



1. Story


Ravaged by Rune Wars long past, the lands south of the Great Barrier are wrecked by chaotic magical storms, leaving the grasp of nature's rule tenuous at best. While abnormal flora or fauna are the norm rather than the exception in these ruined areas, perhaps none is more curious than the case of Rammus. While no one is entirely certain why an armadillo from the Shurima Desert crossed the Kumungu Jungle into the Plague Jungles, Rammus made just such a journey. There, amongst the twisted vines and festering rot, he came across an oddity - a healthy evergreen hedge maze, stretching as far as the eye could see. As he explored the maze, something compelled him toward its center - a light, a presence of some kind. As he drew closer, the light surged, blinding him and knocking him unconscious.


When he awoke, Rammus' whole world had changed. The maze had vanished and he felt truly cognizant for the first time in his otherwise unremarkable life. As his predicament dawned on him, Rammus had a moment of panic. As he trembled, the earth around him began to shake, the intensity increasing until he managed to steady himself. As the quake receded, Rammus arose and left the Plague Jungles in search of others like him. His search brought him across all the lands south of the Great Barrier, but everywhere he went, he was unique.The hardships of this sojourn inspired him to craft the suit of armor that would earn him the title of Armordillo. Rammus' quest eventually drew him to the only place where a sentient armadillo is less than confounding - the League of Legends.


''I've seen a lot of things, but this... this is a first.'' - Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, after first meeting Rammus



2. Introduction


Rammus is a tank that can heavily disable his enemies and afford lots of incoming damage, while being able to deal some nice damage as well. He is usually played as a jungler, because of his ability to perform full clear really fast and solid ganks. However, he is pretty much underrated.




3. Pros & Cons



- Fast jungler

- Great Ganker

- Great initiator

- Awesome turret tanker/destroyer

- Spammable aoe disrupt (Q)

- Counters AD teams

- Can out-position champions like Kennen, who heavily rely on positioning, with his taunt.

- 3 sec taunt if the enemies' got 0 Tenacity

- Good chaser/escaper



- Relatively weak without his W on.

- Easily counter-jungled if noone can aid you.

- Cleanse, QSS, Banshee's Veil, spell shields and oranges make his life hard.

- His jungling speed goes down as the game progresses




4. Summoner Spells


For Summoner Spells, I like to use 20px-Smite.png Smite and 20px-Flash.pngFlash.


Smite is essential for every jungler, while Flash allows me to initiate more easily, escape or catch up.




5. Masteries






6. Runes






7. Skills & Skill Order




20px-SpikedShell.jpgSpikedShell(Passive): Rammus gains additional damage as his shell becomes reinforced, converting 25% of his armor into Attack Damage.


Nice passive. Allows you to gain offensive stats while bulding Armor. Makes 20px-Atma%27s_Impaler.gifAtma's Impaler a great item on him later in the game.


20px-Powerball.jpg Powerball(Q): Rammus accelerates in a ball towards his enemies, dealing 100/150/200/250/300 (+1) magic damage to nearby enemies on impact and slowing them by 20/25/30/35/40% for 3/3/3/3/3 seconds.


A great skill that makes chasing and escaping easier. Not only this but it also slows enemies it strikes. However, it takes a few games to master.


20px-DefensiveBallCurl.jpg Defensive Ball Curl(W): Rammus goes into a defensive formation for 6/6/6/6/6 seconds, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist by 50/75/100/125/150 and returning 22/28/34/40/46 (+) magic damage to attackers. This ability gains damage equal to 10/10/10/10/10% of Armor.


This skill provides a lot of durability to Rammus, while it reflects a part of the incoming damage. An awesome skill for tanking turrets or any kind of damage. However, keep in mind that without that spell activated, you're weaker than a normal tank. Also, keep in mind that by activating that skill you gain AD because of your passive.


20px-PuncturingTaunt.jpgPuncturing Taunt(E): Rammus taunts the unit into a reckless assault, reducing their Armor by 10/15/20/25/30 and forcing them to attack Rammus for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 second(s)


That skill has often been called OP, right? ^^

Anyway, it can be used in order to heavily disable an enemy and force them to attack you. Combo's great with your W that reflects incoming damage. Also, it removes a fair a-beep-t of the enemy's armor. Remeber that while Nashor and Dragon are immune to your taunt, they still have their armor reduced, when you use your E on them. Finally, the most fun things about that skill.... 1) Taunting enemies in your tower and 2) dragging enemies in the middle of your teammates, 3) outposition champions like an ulting Fiddlesticks.


20px-Tremors.jpgTremors(Ultimate): Rammus creates tremors beneath him, dealing 65/130/195 (+0.3) magic damage every second to nearby units and structures for 8/8/8 seconds.


A nice skill to have. Offers some nice aoe damage in team fights, while it also damages towers. It's also great for farming huge minion waves, since it has a relatively low cd.


Skill Order


Level 1: W

Level 2: Q

Level 3: E



Then you should go R>E>W>Q. However, you can give priority to your W if you wanna jungle faster. I do not recommend it, though, since Rammus depends on ganks mostly for his success in the game.




8. Item Build


As a tank you should care about which enemy is more of a menace and decide on what kind of items you should buy first. For example, if a Brand is 4/0 15 minutes in, you should build some early MR, in order to make fighting against him more feasible. So, let's get into depth...


First item


For your first item you have 3 options:


1. 20px-Cloth_Armor.gifCloth Armor and 5x Healing Potions if you're afraid of early invades.


2. 20px-Regrowth_Pendant.gifRegrowth Pendant and 1x Healing Potion if you wanna go for a really early Philosopher Stone.


3. 20px-Boots_of_Speed.gifBoots of Speed and 3x Healing Potions if you wanna invade or gank early with more success.




20px-Mercury%27s_Treads.gifMercury's Treads is the best option in most games. As Rammus you need CC reduction in order to infulence the outcome of the battle as much as possible. You are the initiator of your team, which means that you are the most exposed champion to enemy's CC. A disabled Rammus is a useless Rammus.


However if your enemies are low on CC or have lots of uncounterable CC, like knock ups and knock backs or have an AD champion snowballing hard early game you can buy 20px-Ninja_Tabi.gif Ninja Tabi


Early Game items


Inevitably Health is one of the most important early game tank stats. In order to gain some, there are 2 great options which you can both use. a) 20px-Heart_of_Gold.gif Heart of Gold, b) 20px-Aegis_of_the_Legion.gif Aegis of the Legion.


These are 2 cheap items that can make you tanky enough early game.


Also, you can build 20px-Philosopher%27s_Stone.gif Philosopher's Stone, so that you can regenerate Health and Mana faster, while also gaining some gold.


Armor options


20px-Randuin%27s_Omen.gif Randuin's Omen. Great item if you do not forget to use its active, which lasts longer the more armor you have. Also, it's effect shines even if you forget to use its active, since you force people to attack you and get debuffed with your taunt.

20px-Frozen_Heart.gif Frozen Heart. This item gives you lots of armor and some nice CDR. It destroys auto-attackers, especially when combined with Randuin's Omen.

20px-Guardian_Angel.gif Guardian Angel. I rarely use that item. Not my favorite option but it's not bad if you can revive yourself and keep disabling.

20px-Thornmail.gif Thornmail. This item is EXTREMELY OVERRATED on Rammus. You don't need it as often as lot's of Rammus players think they do. I would only build it if something is going terribly wrong, which doesn't happen really often. I'd rather build Frozen Heart + Randuin's Omen in order to shut down AD champions, since the AS debuff is huge.

20px-Atma%27s_Impaler.gif Atma's Impaler. I love using that item on Rammus. You get Armor (tankiness), AD from building HP, more AD from your passive, and critical chance (Coolest critical hit animation in da game bro.). After building Atma's Impaler Rammus has a bit less AD than an AD Carry.

20px-Sunfire_Cape.gif Sunfire Cape. Personally, I don't build that item really often on Rammus, but it's nice if you need some extra dps or farming strength.


Magic Resist options

20px-Banshee%27s_Veil.gif Banshee's Veil. Blocks CC. Helps a lot when attempting to initiate and the enemy is trying to stop you by disabling you.

20px-Abyssal_Scepter.gif Abyssal Scepter. Very nice item. Gives you MR (tankiness) and some AP that increases your dps with Q and your ulti. Also, this item is great for your team's AP champions, since by staying close to your enemies you reduce their MR with this item's passive.

20px-Force_of_Nature.gif Force of Nature. Lot's of MR, lot's of Health Regen and some Movement Speed. Not bad.

20px-Guardian_Angel.gif Guardian Angel. Already mentioned in the Armor Options.

20px-Quicksilver_Sash.gif Quicksilver Sash. This item is not needed that often. However, it wouldn't be bad to use if your enemy is CC heavy and doesn't let you do much in team fights.




9. Jungling


Opening Route


Jungling with Rammus is really easy and fast. Common skill order till lvl 3 goes WQE. You should start at wolves, so that you'll finish your route faster and make gold+exp faster (Wolves spawn at 1:40. Blue buff spawns at 1:55. Ask a teammate to slightly damage wolves so that you'll get to blue on time) When your teammate leashes your Golem use W only when the Golem turns back to attack you, so that you'll reflect it's damage and take less damage. At lvl 3 you can pick your E and do an early gank if the situation's ideal.




Rammus is an excellent ganker. Powerball on an overextending enemy, or creep close to him so that he'll get slowed, then immediately taunt him and turn your W on. Your victim is already under 2 rounds of disables possibly followed by consta-slow from red buff or farther disables from your teammates (e.g. Taric's Stun)


Counter Jungling


Rammus is a weak jungle duelist, so only do it when you feel like you're safe.


Securing Buffs


Always give your 2nd Blue Buff to your AP carry, unless you're really behind in levels or your mid is a Champion like Kennen, who doesn't use mana. I know Rammus benefits from Blue Buff, but you can just build Philosopher's Stone early if needed as I mentioned above. AP carries need mana regen in order to dominate their lane, while you can still be effective without it. Also, Rammus is one of the few junglers that can spare his 2nd Lizard buff to his solo top or AD carry, since he is such a strong disabler that he doesn't always need it to succeed in his ganks.


When you are doing Dragon/Baron Nashor and the enemy jungler is close, make sure you taunt him when the boss' Health is almost ready for your Smite. This way you prevent him from stealing it and possibly give a free kill to your team. Same goes in case you are the one attempting to steal from your enemies.




10. Mid/Late Game & Team Fights


Jungle Buffs


Simply make sure everyone's getting the buff they need. Blue buff is usually taken by the AP carry and Red buff by the AD carry. Never use Smite for no reason! Enemies might attempt Baron or Dragon and if your Smite is on cd then you have almost 0 % chance of stealing it, in case you cannot contest it properly.




First of all, carries have priority in getting the creeps over you. If there is a carry nearby you should mark and let him get the pushing minion wave. If not, then get in the middle of the wave, pop your ulti and W and push. Keep in mind, you can overextend if you feel confident, since you got your Q in case you need to run. Finally, Rammus is a great turret tanker. Your W is an awesome skill for tanking a turret for your team, while your ulti also damage turrets!


Team Fights


If you believe that your team can win a team fight, then use your Q and roll into your enemies (you can use Flash to make it easier and faster, when you see a good chance to disable as much as possible), taunt the most dangerous one, turn W on and use your ulti and Randuin's (If you've bought it.). If the taunted enemy is a melee you can try and drag him into your teammates.


TAKE CARE OF ENEMIES USING BANSHEE'S VEIL. If noone from your team can break Banshee's Veil easily, then the best you can do is attempt Flash into the target you wish to taunt with your Powerball activated. This way, Powerball will break Banshee's and give you the chance to taunt.


Last but not least, make sure your team is close, when attempting to initiate a fight. You're so fast that you might sometimes not realize that you're far ahead of your teammates when chasing an enemy and just give the enemies a free kill, letting them score an ace, push or get baron, since they killed the jungler (you).


why armor pen reds? :(

rammus deal both magic and physical damage, so in my opinion

armor pen reds are not that good , im using flat armor reds isntead to power passive +easier jungle, since they got a nice amount of 0.91


also imo - philosopher is a must for rammus + amumu ^^


gj +1




There are a lot of Runes options. I use armor pen to jungle faster. You're ~80 % HP when you finish your route anyway.


i think i read this guide some days be4 on an LoL forum :S

aint 100% sure will check it and edit my post but later im kinda busy atm

on topic: its quite good guide after all



ps soz if im mistaken


Search as much as you can. It's totally mine.


Rammus was my main @ Season 1 and still is. Don't be deceived by the walltext ;D


I've never tried Rammus as a jungle because I believe he's got a great advantage into laning with someone else at bottom.


First of all he can defend the turret in a perfect way.TAUNT.A melee attacker, even a ranged one, can't really attack the turret if rammus doesn't want to.He'll just taunt and the turret will do the rest of the job (Early gaming speaking).


Secondly, his power ball gives him the ability to go all the way round the lane and gank.Well, this could be done while jungling aswell, but giving the enemy the sense that you've gone to your spawn for refill is better than making them worry wether you'll gank as a jungler or not.


I haven't read the whole topic yet so that's what I've got to comment on for the time being.I'll reply again if I see something which worths commenting but I'm sure you've done a great job there.Well done.


I've never tried Rammus as a jungle because I believe he's got a great advantage into laning with someone else at bottom.


First of all he can defend the turret in a perfect way.TAUNT.A melee attacker, even a ranged one, can't really attack the turret if rammus doesn't want to.He'll just taunt and the turret will do the rest of the job (Early gaming speaking).


Secondly, his power ball gives him the ability to go all the way round the lane and gank.Well, this could be done while jungling aswell, but giving the enemy the sense that you've gone to your spawn for refill is better than making them worry wether you'll gank as a jungler or not.


I haven't read the whole topic yet so that's what I've got to comment on for the time being.I'll reply again if I see something which worths commenting but I'm sure you've done a great job there.Well done.


That's not worth. It's good for Rammus but not the rest of the team. Too bored to explain why atm. ;p


why was i the only rammus 2 days ago in the premades? :D :P lulz !!! i still remember me rambo triple killing and tower diving :D :P


i liked the guide :D but i liked the part for ninja tabis most! that is a mistake many ppl do on Rammus.


why was i the only rammus 2 days ago in the premades? :D :P lulz !!! i still remember me rambo triple killing and tower diving :D :P


i liked the guide :D but i liked the part for ninja tabis most! that is a mistake many ppl do on Rammus.


Just did the same. Carried 2 scrubs with Rammus along with a good malz and soraka. A Vayne that was ALWAYS focusing Singed no matter if me and WW were tauntING/suppressing enemy Akali or Cait.


btw I'm one of the few guys that still play Rammus at ~1400 + rating ^^


Also, to all potential Rammi (That's Rammus at plural!) out there.... Don't feel bad if you often get negative scores. It's normal for a champion like Rammus. You should only worry if you're not getting assists!

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