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Server Info

Game Rates:

XP/SP: 75x

Adena: 100x

Drop: 50x

Raid Boss Drop: 20x

Max SubClass: 3

Spoil: 50x

Party XP/SP: 1.5x

Weight Limit: 50x

Drop Quest: 25x

Quests Reward: 25x

Enchant rates

Normal Enchant  = 58%

Blessed Enchant  = 65%

Crystal Enchant = 58%

Safe Enchant = +3

Max Enchant = +16


Registration From Website Only. (e-mail confirmation required)

.repair Voice Command (repair your character/account)

Flame of Splendor Barakiel respawn is 6hours.

Buffer Buffs Duration:2 hours

Olympiad Heroes every week.

Fully Working Geodata and Pathnodes.

Auto TvT once every 3hours.

Automated low level PK protection.

Auto learn skills.


Delevel NPC. (Only if your lower than 80.)

GM Shop until B

Skill Enchanter


Wedding System.

PvP/PK Farm Protection System.

Nobless Trader 65+.

Skill Enchanter.

.away / .back System.

.xpon, expon / .xpoff, expoff System.

Advanced Server Protection.

Community Board.

PvP Name Color System.

Balanced Classes.

Class Manager.

Maximum number of buffs = 32 + 4 Divine Inspiration.

Maximum number of debuffs = 6.

Hero change once every 2 weeks on Monday at 12:00 PM EST.

First Hero change date: August 1, 2011 12\:00\:00 PM EST.

Offline trading System.

Maximum number of Lineage Clients from 1 PC: 3 Client windows.

Site http://www.l2ips.com/

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