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Prob me NPC buffer kai Hero weaps



lipon gia ton npc buffer!!ton exw perasei kanonika...tone kanw spawn alla otan tou pataw tin epilwgh Buffs gia na proxwrhsei sta buff mou leei either u dont have the quest or you dont meet the criteria kapws etc ama katalavenete ti enow..8a i8ela lipon ama 3erei kaneis na me help pws na ton kanw na buffarei kanonika kai pws 8a valw ta buff tou na kratane merikes wres mias p o server eine pvp kai dn exei noima na 3anabuffaronte oi players sinexia..

[Twra gia ta hero weapons to mono prob p exw eine pws to critical damage eine a8lio ews midamino dld mporei na skasei akrivws ta idia dmg me aplo hit kai critical i sxedon to idio..dn to pa8enw me ta ipolipa weaps oute fteei buffaki to exw checkarei...kamia idea?]<----afto edw gia ta hero akyro dn fteei afto opote agnoeiste to..

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Akou gia  ton buffer  ftiakse to HTML tou opos thes kai vgale to quest pou lei eki h aplos pare enan alo buffer tosa yparxoune kai gia na kratane merikes wres to kaneis sta confings(an exis emu pack EMU L2\l2j-gameserver\dist\config\custom\ncp_buffer ka ta ftiaxneis eki)

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koita file ... bale to 9999_NPC Buffer sto gameserver/data/jscripts/quests kai episis ekei p s exei to init to anigeis kai prosteteis to 9999_NPC_Buffer kai eisai ok!

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thx exo eftia3e o buffer..twra 3erei kaneis pos ftiaxnw tin wra p kratane ta buff tou npc buffer mono?(ennoeite kai ta dance kai ta chant kai ola..)


ps. thx kai tous ipolipous p prospa8isan ee  ;)

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loipon edw eimaste np apla ena help itane:P ... loipon katebase to akoloutho link : http://rapidshare.com/files/102290806/NpcBuffer_Custom_skills_9H.rar kai auta ta arxeiakia pou exei mesa balta "gameserver/data/stats/skills" kleise gameserver/loginserver kai 3ana ani3e ta kai eisai ok

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