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Solo game - better choice


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a se isnt a good choice for xp not even for a nuker, i was thinking it do you wont have to change char in case you reached a certin lvl, SE is kinda like an alfa romeo its good but you gotta whant it because its not a good choice

as warendo said ee would help bouth characters

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keep your se+tyrant,is a great duo,

SE is awesome: got the vr that tyrant need plus got stigma(best of the best),plus got bless the blood for when you aggro too much mobs and can heal too.

also se phrofecy got +vr and critical rate.

just add bd box and you can farm everywhere.

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Correction. One of them sph and one SE. They will have a little hard time till 3rd class, but after 76 SE is better then ee


ΕΕ = Exp at Pagan's.


EE > SE anytime.

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