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Most Annoying Champions [?!]


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teemo,tryn and karthus


Trynda after level 20 is totally useless.He always gets focused.


The only thing that makes people think he's OP, is his ulti.But all tryndamere needs is a slow and he's done.Not even a stun, just a slow.

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eeh dont be sure, there are some tryndamere players even in 2000elo  ^^  + a good tryndamere is always storng in 3v3 if you dont got counter pick


That's why I believe that only clueless and amateur players of LoL can't face him.Because they're not focusing him from early gaming.

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Yi.I hate his fucking ulti run fast and high atck speed.Then akali(so fucking ulti range),brand(<-----FUCK YOU NOOB OP CHAMP),and finally karthus ulti...Ooops i forgot my favourite champ and one of the most annoying in game ______CAPTAIN TEEMO ON DUTY!:P

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Yi.I hate his -beep-ing ulti run fast and high atck speed.Then akali(so -beep-ing ulti range),brand(<------beep- YOU NOOB OP CHAMP),and finally karthus ulti...Ooops i forgot my favourite champ and one of the most annoying in game ______CAPTAIN TEEMO ON DUTY!:P


Yi is somehow like tryndamere.If he gets focused, you're good.If not, you're fcked up xD

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Karthus' ulti is indeed annoying.Especially when you know you're on low HP and you know that you'll die but there's nothing you can do.


The only champions who can avoid his ulti are Nocturne, Master Yi, Vladimir.


Pick Soraka and counter his early game totally xd

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akali in 3vs3 (and many other champions in 3v3..), and shaco 5v5

the good premade teams are going to have 1st or 1st+2nd picks for soraka and karthus :P.

lol no
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